Search: +meta:BP634
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BP138 |
| No dot well within the convex hull vs. at least one dot well within the convex hull. |
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BP152 |
| No axis of symmetry vs. vertical axis of symmetry. |
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BP209 |
| No objects are centered at the center of the box vs. one object is centered at the center of the box. |
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BP210 |
| Part of at least one object is out of box vs. all objects are within the box. |
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BP221 |
| No small square at the end of any curve vs. curve ends at a small square. |
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BP266 |
| At least one touch or cross point vs. no touch or cross point. |
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BP276 |
| At least one endpoint vs. no endpoints. |
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BP290 |
| If any non-nosed faces exist, they are happy if and only if happy nosed faces exist as well vs. not so. |
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