Very similar to the less clearly-defined solution "tiles itself with infinitely many copies (different sizes allowed) vs. does not".
The left hand side of this is a weaker condition than the left hand side of BP1241.
Adjacent-numbered pages: BP1111 BP1112 BP1113 BP1114 BP1115  *  BP1117 BP1118 BP1119 BP1120 BP1121
notso, perfect, infinitedetail
connected_fractal [smaller | same | bigger]
Aaron David Fairbanks
There is only ever one such center of self-similarity or infinitely many.
Adjacent-numbered pages: BP1113 BP1114 BP1115 BP1116 BP1117  *  BP1119 BP1120 BP1121 BP1122 BP1123
nice, perfect, infinitedetail
[smaller | same | bigger]
Adjacent-numbered pages: BP1178 BP1179 BP1180 BP1181 BP1182  *  BP1184 BP1185 BP1186 BP1187 BP1188
precise, arbitrary, pixelperfect, contributepairs, right-couldbe, preciseworld
Leo Crabbe