See BP873 for the version with Bongard Problems.
Adjacent-numbered pages: BP346 BP347 BP348 BP349 BP350  *  BP352 BP353 BP354 BP355 BP356
creativeexamples, structure, sequence, traditional, rules
constant_change_seq_increase_right [smaller | same | bigger]zoom in left (constant_change_discrete_seq_increase_right)
Aaron David Fairbanks
Adjacent-numbered pages: BP841 BP842 BP843 BP844 BP845  *  BP847 BP848 BP849 BP850 BP851
creativeexamples, structure, contributepairs, rules
quantity_change_seq_increase_right [smaller | same | bigger] zoom in right (constant_change_seq_increase_right)
Adjacent-numbered pages: BP843 BP844 BP845 BP846 BP847  *  BP849 BP850 BP851 BP852 BP853
constant_change_seq_increase_right_low_bound_obj [smaller | same | bigger]