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Search: ex:EX10250
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BP1276 Ways of representing the sequence "ABABCBACCBAC" by grouping its elements into equal-sized blocks and relabelling them (identical blocks are represented by the same element) vs. representations of different sequences.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

The solver isn't expected to word their solution as it is put above, but to notice that the sequences on the left all "agree" with each other under the aforementioned grouping rule. The 12-element sequence in EX10249 can be "squashed down" into the 6-element sequence in EX10251, which in turn can be "squashed down" into the 3-element sequence in EX10252.


Compare to BP121

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP1271 BP1272 BP1273 BP1274 BP1275  *  BP1277 BP1278 BP1279 BP1280 BP1281


unwordable, notso, arbitrary, sequence

CONCEPT element_grouping (info | search)


Leo Crabbe

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