Search: -meta:BP549
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BP159 |
| Two clusters of 2+3, middle shape must be seen as rectangle (AND only one linelike shape) vs. two clusters of 2+3, middle shape must be seen as piece of straight line (AND more than one linelike shape). |
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BP213 |
| The tightest-curved section, out of all sections of curve that make a complete turn (360 degrees), contains an x-crossing point vs. not so. |
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BP227 |
| Dots touch each other if and only if no large region touches the edges of the box vs. dots dont touch each other if and only if no large region touches the edges of the box. |
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BP228 |
| After rotating so that the longest line is horizontal, there is a left arm raised and a weight down vs. after rotating so that the longest line is horizontal, there is a left arm down and a weight raised. |
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BP257 |
| The distance from the center of the line to the bottom of the square is the same as the distance from the dot to the right edge of the square vs. not so. |
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Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP252 BP253 BP254 BP255 BP256  *  BP258 BP259 BP260 BP261 BP262
convoluted, notso, boundingbox, traditional, absoluteposition
bounding_box (info | search), length_line_or_curve (info | search), midpoint (info | search), imagined_point (info | search), imagined_line_or_curve (info | search), imagined_entity (info | search), same_feature (info | search), same (info | search), distance_from_center (info | search)
Andreas Gunnarsson
BP262 |
| Exactly one point where lines bend at an angle vs. not exactly one point where lines bend at an angle. |
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BP290 |
| If any non-nosed faces exist, they are happy if and only if happy nosed faces exist as well vs. not so. |
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BP825 |
| Ticks mark an infinite sequence of angles on circle such that each angle is the double of the subsequent angle in the sequence (angle measured from rightmost indicated point) vs. not so. |
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This is solvable; it was solved by Sridhar Ramesh.
A full turn is considered "the same angle" as no turns; likewise for adding and subtracting full turns from any angle. All sequences of angles shown start at the rightmost tick.
It doesn't matter whether the angle is measured clockwise or counterclockwise, as long as the choice is consistent. |
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP820 BP821 BP822 BP823 BP824  *  BP826 BP827 BP828 BP829 BP830
hard, convoluted, notso, math, solved
sequence (info | search)
Aaron David Fairbanks
BP849 |
| Loop is time-symmetrical (loop is like ABCBABCBA... instead of like ABCABCABC...) up to rotation of object vs. not so (neither up to rotation nor reflection). |
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A spot-the-difference exercise.
Arguably invalid (solution not simple). |
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP915 BP916 BP917 BP918 BP919  *  BP921 BP922 BP923 BP924 BP925
less, precise, convoluted, arbitrary, stretch, unstable, left-finite, left-full, perfect, pixelperfect, experimental, funny
imperfection_small (info | search), specificity (info | search)
bmp [smaller | same | bigger]
Aaron David Fairbanks
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