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Revision history for BP568

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BP568 on 2024-10-24 14:43:50 by Leo Crabbe                approved


BP568 on 2024-09-18 04:19:14 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved


BP568 on 2023-06-26 10:56:11 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved


BP568 on 2022-12-29 22:09:45 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

BP570 "Shape outlines that aren't triangles vs. black shapes that aren't squares" was created as an @example of this.

BP568 on 2022-12-29 22:09:34 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Left examples have the keyword "overriddensolution" on the OEBP.

An "overriddensolution" is solution idea for a Bongard Problem that would not be chosen by the solver because there is a simpler solution that always comes with it.

An overridden solution occurs when the Bongard Problem's examples on both sides all share some constraint, and furthermore within this constrained class of examples, the intended rule is equivalent to a simpler rule that can be understood without noticing the constraint. See e.g. BP1146. The solver of the Bongard Problem will get the solution before noticing the constraint.

There is a more extreme class of overridden solution: not only is the solution possible to overlook in favor of something simpler, but even with scrutiny it will likely never be recognized. See e.g. BP570. This happens when intended left and right side rules are not direct negations of one another, but one or both of these rules is not "narrow"-- it can only be communicated in a Bongard Problem by its opposite being on the other side.

TO DO: Should this more extreme version have its own keyword? - Aaron David Fairbanks, Nov 23 2021

The keyword @left-narrow (resp. @right-narrow) is for Bongard Problems whose left-side (resp. right-side) rule can be recognized alone without examples on the other side.

The keyword @notso is for Bongard Problems whose two sides are direct negations of one another.


See keyword @impossible for solution ideas that cannot even apply to any set of examples, much less be communicated as the best solution.

BP568 on 2021-12-19 02:06:38 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Left examples have the keyword "overriddensolution" on the OEBP.

An "overriddensolution" is solution idea for a Bongard Problem that would not be chosen by the solver because there is a simpler solution that always comes with it.

An overriden solution occurs when the Bongard Problem's examples on both sides all share some constraint, and furthermore within this constrained class of examples, the intended rule is equivalent to a simpler rule that can be understood without noticing the constraint. See e.g. BP1146. The solver of the Bongard Problem will get the solution before noticing the constraint.

There is a more extreme class of overridden solution: not only is the solution possible to overlook in favor of something simpler, but even with scrutiny it will likely never be recognized. See e.g. BP570. This happens when intended left and right side rules are not direct negations of one another, but one or both of these rules is not "narrow"-- it can only be communicated in a Bongard Problem by its opposite being on the other side.

TO DO: Should this more extreme version have its own keyword? - Aaron David Fairbanks, Nov 23 2021

The keyword "left-narrow" left-BP513 (resp. "right-narrow" left-BP514) is for Bongard Problems whose left-side (resp. right-side) rule can be recognized alone without examples on the other side.

The keyword "notso" left-BP867 is for Bongard Problems whose two sides are direct negations of one another.

BP568 on 2021-12-19 02:03:34 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Left examples have the keyword "overriddensolution" on the OEBP.

An "overriddensolution" is solution idea for a Bongard Problem that would not be chosen by the solver because there is a simpler solution that always comes with it.

An overriden solution occurs when the Bongard Problem's examples on both sides all share some constraint, and furthermore within this constrained class of examples, the intended rule is equivalent to a simpler rule that can be understood without noticing the constraint. See e.g. BP1146. The solver of the Bongard Problem will get the solution before noticing the constraint.

There is a more extreme class of overridden solution: not only is the solution possible to overlook in favor of something simpler, but even with scrutiny it will likely never be recognized. See e.g. BP570. This happens when intended left and right side rules are not direct negations of one another, but one or both of these rules is not "narrow".

The keyword "left-narrow" left-BP513 (resp. "right-narrow" left-BP514) is for Bongard Problems whose left-side (resp. right-side) rule can be recognized alone without examples on the other side.

The keyword "notso" left-BP867 is for Bongard Problems whose two sides are direct negations of one another.

TO DO: Should this more extreme version have its own keyword? - Aaron David Fairbanks, Nov 23 2021

BP568 on 2021-12-19 01:58:34 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Left examples have the keyword "overriddensolution" on the OEBP.

An "overriddensolution" is solution idea for a Bongard Problem that would not be chosen by the solver because there is a simpler solution that always comes with it.

An overriden solution occurs when the Bongard Problem's examples on both sides all share some constraint, and furthermore within this constrained class of examples, the intended rule is equivalent to a simpler rule that can be understood without noticing the constraint. See e.g. BP1146. The solver of the Bongard Problem will get the solution before noticing the constraint.

This will happen when the intended left and right side rules are not direct negations of one another, but one or both of these rules is not recognizable without counter-examples. This makes for a more extreme class of overridden solution: not only is the solution possible to overlook in favor of something simpler, but even with scrutiny it will likely never be recognized. See e.g. BP570.

TO DO: Should this more extreme version have its own keyword? - Aaron David Fairbanks, Nov 23 2021

The keyword "left-narrow" left-BP513 (resp. "right-narrow" left-BP514) is for Bongard Problems whose left-side (resp. right-side) rule can be recognized alone without counter-examples.

The keyword "notso" left-BP867 is for Bongard Problems whose two sides are direct negations of one another.

BP568 on 2021-12-19 01:57:44 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Left examples have the keyword "overriddensolution" on the OEBP.

An "overriddensolution" is solution idea that would not be chosen because there is a simpler solution that always comes with it.

An overriden solution occurs when the Bongard Problem's examples on both sides all share some constraint, and furthermore within this constrained class of examples, the intended rule is equivalent to a simpler rule that can be understood without noticing the constraint. See e.g. BP1146. The solver of the Bongard Problem will get the solution before noticing the constraint.

This will happen when the intended left and right side rules are not direct negations of one another, but one or both of these rules is not recognizable without counter-examples. This makes for a more extreme class of overridden solution: not only is the solution possible to overlook in favor of something simpler, but even with scrutiny it will likely never be recognized. See e.g. BP570.

TO DO: Should this more extreme version have its own keyword? - Aaron David Fairbanks, Nov 23 2021

The keyword "left-narrow" left-BP513 (resp. "right-narrow" left-BP514) is for Bongard Problems whose left-side (resp. right-side) rule can be recognized alone without counter-examples.

The keyword "notso" left-BP867 is for Bongard Problems whose two sides are direct negations of one another.

BP568 on 2021-11-23 05:50:01 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Left examples have the keyword "overriddensolution" on the OEBP.

An "overriddensolution" is solution idea that would not be chosen because there is a simpler solution that always comes with it.

An overriden solution occurs when the Bongard Problem's examples on both sides all share some constraint, and furthermore within this constrained class of examples, the intended rule is equivalent to a simpler rule that can be understood without noticing the constraint. See e.g. BP1146. The solver of the Bongard Problem will get the solution before noticing the constraint.

This will happen when the intended left and right side rules are not direct negations of one another, but one or both of these rules is not recognizable without counter-examples. This makes for a more extreme class of overridden solution: not only is the solution possible to overlook in favor of something simpler, but even with scrutiny it will likely never be recognized. See e.g. BP570.

TO DO: Should this more extreme version have its own keyword? - Aaron David Fairbanks, Nov 23 2021

The keyword "left-narrow" left-BP513 (resp. "right-narrow" left-BP514) is for Bongard Problems whose left-side (resp. right-side) rule can be recognized alone without counter-examples.

The keyword "notso" left-BP867 is for Bongard Problems whose two sides are direct negations of one another.

BP568 on 2021-11-23 05:48:57 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Left examples have the keyword "overriddensolution" on the OEBP.

An "overriddensolution" is solution idea that would not be chosen because there is a simpler solution that always comes with it.

An overriden solution occurs when the Bongard Problem's examples on both sides all share some constraint, and furthermore within this constrained class of examples, the intended rule is equivalent to a simpler rule that can be understood without noticing the constraint. See e.g. BP1146. The solver of the Bongard Problem will get the solution before noticing the constraint.

This will happen when the intended left and right side rules are not direct negations of one another, but one or both of these rules is not recognizable without counter-examples. This makes for a more extreme class of overridden solution: not only is the solution possible to overlook in favor of something simpler, but even with scrutiny it will likely never be recognized. See e.g. BP570.

TO DO: Should this be its own keyword? - Aaron David Fairbanks, Nov 23 2021

The keyword "left-narrow" left-BP513 (resp. "right-narrow" left-BP514) is for Bongard Problems whose left-side (resp. right-side) rule can be recognized alone without counter-examples.

The keyword "notso" left-BP867 is for Bongard Problems whose two sides are direct negations of one another.

BP568 on 2021-11-23 05:48:03 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

See keyword "impossible" (left-BP821) for solution ideas that cannot even apply to any set of examples, much less be communicated as the best solution.

BP568 on 2021-11-23 05:46:33 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Left examples have the keyword "overriddensolution" on the OEBP.

An "overriddensolution" is solution idea that would not be chosen because there is a simpler solution that always comes with it.

An overriden solution occurs when the Bongard Problem's examples on both sides all share some constraint, and furthermore within this constrained class of examples, the intended rule is equivalent to a simpler rule that can be understood without noticing the constraint. See e.g. BP1146. The solver of the Bongard Problem will get the solution before noticing the constraint.

This will happen when the intended left and right side rules are not direct negations of one another, but one or both of these rules is not recognizable without counter-examples. This makes for a more extreme class of overridden solution: not only is the solution possible to overlook in favor of something simpler, but even with scrutiny it will likely never be recognized. See e.g. BP570.

The keyword "left-narrow" left-BP513 (resp. "right-narrow" left-BP514) is for Bongard Problems whose left-side (resp. right-side) rule can be recognized alone without counter-examples.

The keyword "notso" left-BP867 is for Bongard Problems whose two sides are direct negations of one another.

BP568 on 2021-11-23 05:46:17 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Left examples have the keyword "overriddensolution" on the OEBP.

An "overriddensolution" is solution idea that would not be chosen because there is a simpler solution that always comes with it.

An overriden solution occurs when the Bongard Problem's examples on both sides all share some constraint, and furthermore within this constrained class of examples, the intended rule is equivalent to a simpler rule that can be understood without noticing the constraint. See e.g. BP1146. The solver of the Bongard Problem will get the solution before noticing the constraint.

This will happen when the intended left and right side rules are not direct negations of one another, but one or both of these rules is not recognizable without counter-examples. This makes for a more extreme class of overridden solution: not only is the solution possible to overlook in favor of something simpler, but even with scrutiny it will never be recognized. See e.g. BP570.

The keyword "left-narrow" left-BP513 (resp. "right-narrow" left-BP514) is for Bongard Problems whose left-side (resp. right-side) rule can be recognized alone without counter-examples.

The keyword "notso" left-BP867 is for Bongard Problems whose two sides are direct negations of one another.

BP568 on 2021-11-23 05:45:56 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Left examples have the keyword "overriddensolution" on the OEBP.

An "overriddensolution" is solution idea that would not be chosen because there is a simpler solution that always comes with it.

An overriden solution occurs when the Bongard Problem's examples on both sides all share some constraint, and furthermore within this constrained class of examples, the intended rule is equivalent to a simpler rule that can be understood without noticing the constraint. See e.g. BP1146. The solver of the Bongard Problem will get the solution before noticing the constraint.

This will happen when the intended left and right side rules are not direct negations of one another, but one or both of these rules is not recognizable without counter-examples. This makes for a more extreme class of overridden solution: not only is the solution possible to overlook in favor of something simpler, but even with scrutiny it will likely never be recognized. See e.g. BP570.

The keyword "left-narrow" left-BP513 (resp. "right-narrow" left-BP514) is for Bongard Problems whose left-side (resp. right-side) rule can be recognized alone without counter-examples.

The keyword "notso" left-BP867 is for Bongard Problems whose two sides are direct negations of one another.

BP568 on 2021-11-23 05:44:31 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Left examples have the keyword "overriddensolution" on the OEBP.

An "overriddensolution" is solution idea that would not be chosen because there is a simpler solution that always comes with it.

An overriden solution occurs when the Bongard Problem's examples on both sides all share some constraint, and furthermore within this constrained class of examples, the intended rule is equivalent to a simpler rule that can be understood without noticing the constraint. See e.g. BP1146. The solver of the Bongard Problem will get the solution before noticing the constraint.

This often happens when the left and right side rules are not direct negations of one another, but one or both of these rules is not recognizable without counter-examples. This is a more extreme class of overridden solution: not only is the solution possible to overlook in favor of something simpler, but even with scrutiny it will likely never be recognized. See e.g. BP570.

The keyword "left-narrow" left-BP513 (resp. "right-narrow" left-BP514) is for Bongard Problems whose left-side (resp. right-side) rule can be recognized alone without counter-examples.

The keyword "notso" left-BP867 is for Bongard Problems whose two sides are direct negations of one another.

BP568 on 2021-11-23 05:41:06 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Left examples have the keyword "overriddensolution" on the OEBP.

An "overriddensolution" is solution idea that would not be chosen because there is a simpler solution that always comes with it.

This often happens when the left and right side rules are not direct negations of one another, but one or both of these rules is not recognizable without counter-examples. See e.g. BP570.

The keyword "left-narrow" left-BP513 (resp. "right-narrow" left-BP514) is for Bongard Problems whose left-side (resp. right-side) rule can be recognized alone without counter-examples.

The keyword "notso" left-BP867 is for Bongard Problems whose two sides are direct negations of one another.

An overriden solution occurs when the Bongard Problem's examples on both sides all share some constraint, and furthermore within this constrained class of examples, the intended rule is equivalent to a simpler rule that can be understood without noticing the constraint. See e.g. BP1146. The solver of the Bongard Problem will get the solution before noticing the constraint.

BP568 on 2021-11-23 05:39:20 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Left examples have the keyword "overriddensolution" on the OEBP.

An "overriddensolution" is solution idea that would not be chosen because there is a simpler solution that always comes with it.

This often happens when the left and right side rules are not direct negations of one another, but one or both of these rules is not recognizable without counter-examples. See e.g. BP570.

The keyword "left-narrow" left-BP513 (resp. "right-narrow" left-BP514) is for Bongard Problems whose left-side (resp. right-side) rule can be recognized alone without counter-examples.

The keyword "notso" left-BP867 is for Bongard Problems whose two sides are direct negations of one another.

An overriden solution also occurs when the Bongard Problem's examples on both sides all share some constraint, and furthermore within this constrained class of examples, the intended rule is equivalent to a simpler rule that can be understood without noticing the constraint. See e.g. BP1146. The solver of the Bongard Problem will get the solution before noticing the constraint.

BP568 on 2021-11-23 03:24:10 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Left examples have the keyword "overriddensolution" on the OEBP.

An "overriddensolution" is solution idea that would not be chosen because there is a simpler solution that always comes with it.

This often happens when the left and right side rules are not direct negations of one another, but one or both of these rules is not recognizable without counter-examples. See e.g. BP570.

The keyword "left-narrow" left-BP513 (resp. "right-narrow" left-BP514) is for Bongard Problems whose left-side (resp. right-side) rule can be recognized alone without counter-examples.

The keyword "notso" left-BP867 is for Bongard Problems whose two sides are direct negations of one another.

An overriden solution also occurs when the Bongard Problem's examples on both sides all share some constraint, and furthermore within this constrained class of examples, the intended rule is equivalent to a simpler rule that can be understood without noticing the constraint. See e.g. BP1146. The solver of the Bongard Problem will get the simple solution before noticing the constraint.

BP568 on 2021-11-23 03:22:00 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Left examples have the keyword "overriddensolution" on the OEBP.

An "overriddensolution" is solution idea that would not be chosen because there is a simpler solution that always comes with it.

This often happens when the left and right side rules are not direct negations of one another, but one or both of these rules is not recognizable without counter-examples. See e.g. BP570.

The keyword "left-narrow" left-BP513 (resp. "right-narrow" left-BP514) is for Bongard Problems whose left-side (resp. right-side) rule can be recognized alone without counter-examples.

An overriden solution also occurs when the Bongard Problem's examples on both sides all share some constraint, and furthermore within this constrained class of examples, the intended rule is equivalent to a simpler rule that can be understood without noticing the constraint. See e.g. BP1146. The solver of the Bongard Problem will get the simple solution before noticing the constraint.

BP568 on 2021-11-23 03:21:33 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Left examples have the keyword "overriddensolution" on the OEBP.

An "overriddensolution" is solution idea that would not be chosen because there is a simpler solution that always comes with it.

This often happens when the left and right side rules are not negations of one another, but one or both of these rules is not recognizable without counter-examples. See e.g. BP570.

The keyword "left-narrow" left-BP513 (resp. "right-narrow" left-BP514) is for Bongard Problems whose left-side (resp. right-side) rule can be recognized alone without counter-examples.

An overriden solution also occurs when the Bongard Problem's examples on both sides all share some constraint, and furthermore within this constrained class of examples, the intended rule is equivalent to a simpler rule that can be understood without noticing the constraint. See e.g. BP1146. The solver of the Bongard Problem will get the simple solution before noticing the constraint.

BP568 on 2021-11-23 03:21:17 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Left examples have the keyword "overriddensolution" on the OEBP.

An "overriddensolution" is solution idea that would not be chosen because there is a simpler solution that always comes with it.

This often happens when the left and right side rules are not negations of one another, but one or both of the rules is not recognizable without counter-examples. See e.g. BP570.

The keyword "left-narrow" left-BP513 (resp. "right-narrow" left-BP514) is for Bongard Problems whose left-side (resp. right-side) rule can be recognized alone without counter-examples.

An overriden solution also occurs when the Bongard Problem's examples on both sides all share some constraint, and furthermore within this constrained class of examples, the intended rule is equivalent to a simpler rule that can be understood without noticing the constraint. See e.g. BP1146. The solver of the Bongard Problem will get the simple solution before noticing the constraint.

BP568 on 2021-11-23 03:20:43 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Left examples have the keyword "overriddensolution" on the OEBP.

An "overriddensolution" is solution idea that would not be chosen because there is a simpler solution that always comes with it.

This often happens when the left and right side rules are not negations of one another, but one of the rules is not recognizable without counter-examples. See e.g. BP570.

The keyword "left-narrow" left-BP513 (resp. "right-narrow" left-BP514) is for Bongard Problems whose left-side (resp. right-side) rule can be recognized alone without counter-examples.

An overriden solution also occurs when the Bongard Problem's examples on both sides all share some constraint, and furthermore within this constrained class of examples, the intended rule is equivalent to a simpler rule that can be understood without noticing the constraint. See e.g. BP1146. The solver of the Bongard Problem will get the simple solution before noticing the constraint.

BP568 on 2021-11-23 03:11:18 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Left examples have the keyword "overriddensolution" on the OEBP.

An "overriddensolution" is solution idea that would not be chosen because there is a simpler solution that always comes with it.

This often happens when the left and right side rules are not negations of one another, but one of the rules is not recognizable without counter-examples. The keyword "left-narrow" left-BP513 (resp. "right-narrow" left-BP514) is for Bongard Problems whose left-side (resp. right-side) rule can be recognized alone without counter-examples.

BP568 on 2021-11-23 03:04:42 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved


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