(Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Bongard Problems!)

Revision history for BP1181

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     Edits shown per page: 25.
BP1181 on 2022-04-21 01:47:10 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Any "sequence" (BP929-left) or "grid" (BP1176-left) Problems will be sorted right.

BP1181 on 2021-12-20 18:14:53 by Leo Crabbe                approved

Unordered object-wise comparison Bongard Problems where the number of objects can vary between examples vs. similar Bongard Problems where certain objects are distinguishable in some consistent way across all examples.

BP1181 on 2021-12-17 11:00:07 by Leo Crabbe                approved

Unordered object-wise comparison Bongard Problems where the number of objects can vary between examples vs. similar Bongard Problems where objects are distinguishable in some consistent way across all examples.

BP1181 on 2021-12-17 10:58:25 by Leo Crabbe                approved

Unordered object-wise comparison Bongard Problems with a non-fixed number of objects across examples vs. similar Bongard Problems where objects are distinguishable in some consistent way across all examples.

BP1181 on 2021-12-16 19:26:26 by Leo Crabbe                approved

Unordered object-wise comparison Bongard Problems about arbitrary numbers of objects vs. object-wise comparison Bongard Problems about arbitrary numbers where objects are distinguishable in some consistent way across all examples.


Any "seq" (BP929-left) or "grid" (BP1176-left) Problems will be sorted right.


Leo Crabbe





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