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Revision history for BP1179

Displaying 1-12 of 12 results found. page 1
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BP1179 on 2022-12-30 00:48:58 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

This Problem sorts all @sequence and @grid Problems on its left, and all @orderedpair, @unorderedpair, @orderedtriplet, @unorderedtriplet, @fixedsequence, and @fixedgrid Problems on its left.

Right-sorted examples could collectively be called "n-wise comparison Problems".

BP1179 on 2022-04-21 01:47:00 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

This Problem sorts all "sequence" (BP929-left) and "grid" (BP1176-left) Problems on its left, and all "orderedpair" (BP787-left), "unorderedpair" (BP787-right), "orderedtriplet" (BP908-left), "unorderedtriplet" (BP908-right), "fixedsequence" (BP929-right) and "fixedgrid" (BP1176-right) Problems on its left.

Right-sorted examples could collectively be called "n-wise comparison Problems".

BP1179 on 2021-12-16 19:31:13 by Leo Crabbe                approved

This Problem sorts all "seq" (BP929-left) and "grid" (BP1176-left) Problems on its left, and all "orderedpair" (BP787-left), "unorderedpair" (BP787-right), "orderedtriplet" (BP908-left), "unorderedtriplet" (BP908-right), "fixedseq" (BP929-right) and "fixedgrid" (BP1176-right) Problems on its left.

Right-sorted examples could collectively be called "n-wise comparison Problems".

BP1179 on 2021-12-16 19:11:40 by Leo Crabbe                approved

Object-wise comparison Bongard Problems where the number of objects in each panel can vary vs. object-wise comparison Bongard Problems with a fixed number of objects in each panel.

BP1179 on 2021-12-15 19:40:36 by Leo Crabbe                approved


BP1179 on 2021-12-15 19:10:08 by Leo Crabbe                approved

This Problem sorts all "seq" (BP929-left) and "grid" (BP1176-left) Problems on its left, and all "orderedpair" (BP787-left), "unorderedpair" (BP787-right), "orderedtriplet" (BP908-left), "unorderedtriplet" (BP908-right), "fixedseq" (BP929-right) and "fixedgrid" (BP1176-right) Problems on its left.

BP1179 on 2021-12-15 19:09:43 by Leo Crabbe                approved

This Problem sorts all "seq" (BP929-left) and "grid" (BP1176^left) Problems on its left, and all "orderedpair" (BP787^left), "unorderedpair" (BP787^right), "orderedtriplet" (BP908^left), "unorderedtriplet" (BP908^right), "fixedseq" (BP929^right) and "fixedgrid" (BP1176^right) Problems on its left.

BP1179 on 2021-12-15 19:09:30 by Leo Crabbe                approved

This Problem sorts all "seq" (BP929^^left) and "grid" (BP1176^left) Problems on its left, and all "orderedpair" (BP787^left), "unorderedpair" (BP787^right), "orderedtriplet" (BP908^left), "unorderedtriplet" (BP908^right), "fixedseq" (BP929^right) and "fixedgrid" (BP1176^right) Problems on its left.

BP1179 on 2021-12-15 19:09:17 by Leo Crabbe                approved

This Problem sorts all "seq" (BP929**left) and "grid" (BP1176^left) Problems on its left, and all "orderedpair" (BP787^left), "unorderedpair" (BP787^right), "orderedtriplet" (BP908^left), "unorderedtriplet" (BP908^right), "fixedseq" (BP929^right) and "fixedgrid" (BP1176^right) Problems on its left.

BP1179 on 2021-12-15 19:09:02 by Leo Crabbe                approved

Object comparison Bongard Problems where the number of objects in each panel can vary vs. object comparison Bongard Problems with a fixed number of objects in each panel.


This Problem sorts all "seq" (BP929^left) and "grid" (BP1176^left) Problems on its left, and all "orderedpair" (BP787^left), "unorderedpair" (BP787^right), "orderedtriplet" (BP908^left), "unorderedtriplet" (BP908^right), "fixedseq" (BP929^right) and "fixedgrid" (BP1176^right) Problems on its left.


Leo Crabbe





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