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Revision history for BP1160

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BP1160 on 2022-12-30 00:56:41 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Note that most traditional Bongard Problems don't sort an all black-panel at all.

See BP567 (@left-null versus @right-null) for the version about all-white panels, which is more often applicable.

BP1160 on 2021-12-12 01:48:00 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Note that most traditional Bongard Problems don't sort an all black-panel at all.

See BP567 for the version about all-white panels, which is more often applicable.

BP1160 on 2021-12-12 01:47:44 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Note that most traditional Bongard Problems don't sort an all black-panel at all.

See left-BP567 for the version about all-white panels, which is more often applicable.

BP1160 on 2021-12-12 01:46:48 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Note that most traditional Bongard Problems don't sort an all black panel at all.

BP1160 on 2021-12-11 11:18:26 by Leo Crabbe                approved





BP1160 on 2021-12-11 11:18:12 by Leo Crabbe                approved



BP1160 on 2021-12-10 21:57:43 by Leo Crabbe                approved

Visual Bongard Problems that would sort an all-black panel on the left vs. visual Bongard Problems that would sort an all-black panel on the right.


Leo Crabbe





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