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Revision history for BP1139

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BP1139 on 2021-11-13 00:29:25 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

This classification is specifically concerned with changes to examples that leave them sortable, as there are almost always ways of adding details to a BP's examples that make them unsortable.

Right-sorted BPs in this Bongard Problem are often Bongard Problems where there is always a way of adding to left-sorted examples to make them right-sorted, but not the other way around, or vice versa.

Another version of this Bongard Problem could be made about adding white (erasure of detail) instead of black (addition of detail).

Another version could be made about adding either white or black, but not both.

How should this treat cases in which just a few examples can't be added to at all (like an all-black box)? E.g. BP966. Should this be sorted right (should the one special case of a black box spoil it) or should it be sorted left (should examples that can't at all be further added be discounted)? Maybe we should only sort BPs in which all examples can be further added to. (See left-BP1143.) - Aaron David Fairbanks, Nov 12 2021

To keep things simple, all the examples within left-sorted BPs should be able to switch sides by additions of black, without expanding the border of the image at all. (Where appropriate, you can assume all images will have an ample lip of while around the border, ignoring https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sorites_paradox.) By expanding the bounding box, any shape could be shrunken to a point in relation to the surrounding image and filled in to make any other shape.

In the rare case that a Bongard Problem is not at all conceptually related to the bounding boxes of its examples AND there is a context-appropriate way it would fit left here if it weren't for the bounding boxes ruining it, just leave that BP unsorted here. - Aaron David Fairbanks, Nov 12 2021

BP1139 on 2021-11-12 22:22:26 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

This classification is specifically concerned with changes to examples that leave them sortable, as there are almost always ways of adding details to a BP's examples that make them unsortable.

Right-sorted BPs in this Bongard Problem are often Bongard Problems where there is always a way of adding to left-sorted examples to make them right-sorted, but not the other way around, or vice versa.

Another version of this Bongard Problem could be made about adding white (erasure of detail) instead of black (addition of detail).

Another version could be made about adding either white or black, but not both.

How should this treat cases in which just a few examples can't be added to at all (like an all-black box)? E.g. BP966. Should this be sorted right (should the one special case of a black box spoil it) or should it be sorted left (should examples that can't at all be further added be discounted)? Maybe we should only sort BPs in which all examples can be further added to. (See left-BP1143.) - Aaron David Fairbanks, Nov 12 2021

To keep things simple, all the examples within left-sorted BPs should be able to switch sides by plain additions of black to the image, without expanding the border of the image at all. (Where appropriate, it can be assumed that there will always be a lip of white around the image border, disregarding https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sorites_paradox.) Otherwise, there would arise the issue that any example can be shrunken to a point in relation to the surrounding bounding box and filled in to make any other non-empty example. You could also decide case-by-case what should count as a context-appropriate "addition of detail" to examples in a BP, but that's a subjective call--then different people might reasonably sort the same BP in different ways.

In the rare case that a Bongard Problem is not at all conceptually related to the bounding boxes of its examples AND there is a context-appropriate way it should fit left here if it weren't for the bounding boxes ruining it, just leave that BP unsorted here. - Aaron David Fairbanks, Nov 12 2021

BP1139 on 2021-11-12 21:37:24 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

This classification is specifically concerned with changes to examples that leave them sortable, as there are almost always ways of adding details to a BP's examples that make them unsortable.

Right-sorted BPs in this Bongard Problem are often Bongard Problems where there is always a way of adding to left-sorted examples to make them right-sorted, but not the other way around, or vice versa.

Another version of this Bongard Problem could be made about adding white (erasure of detail) instead of black (addition of detail).

Another version could be made about adding either white or black, but not both.

How should this treat cases in which just a few examples can't be added to at all (like an all-black box)? E.g. BP966. Should this be sorted right (should the one special case of a black box spoil it) or should it be sorted left (should examples that can't at all be further added be discounted)? Maybe we should only sort BPs in which all examples can be further added to. (See left-BP1143.) - Aaron David Fairbanks, Nov 12 2021

BP1139 on 2021-11-12 21:23:37 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

This classification is specifically concerned with changes to examples that leave them sortable, as there are almost always ways of adding details to a BP's examples that make them unsortable.

Right-sorted BPs in this Bongard Problem are often Bongard Problems where there is always a way of adding to left-sorted examples to make them right-sorted, but not the other way around, or vice versa.

Another version of this Bongard Problem could be made about adding white (erasure of detail) instead of black (addition of detail).

How should this treat cases in which just a few examples can't be added to at all (like an all-black box)? E.g. BP966. Should this be sorted right (should the one special case of a black box spoil it) or should it be sorted left (should examples that can't at all be further added be discounted)? Maybe we should only sort BPs in which all examples can be further added to. (See left-BP1143.) - Aaron David Fairbanks, Nov 12 2021

BP1139 on 2021-11-12 21:19:32 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved


BP1139 on 2021-11-12 21:12:55 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

This classification is specifically concerned with changes to examples that leave them sortable, as there are almost always ways of adding details to a BP's examples that make them unsortable.

Right-sorted BPs in this Bongard Problem are often Bongard Problems where there is always a way of adding to left-sorted examples to make them right-sorted, but not the other way around, or vice versa.

How should this treat cases in which just a few examples can't be added to at all (like an all-black box)? E.g. BP966. Should this be sorted right (should the one special case of a black box spoil it) or should it be sorted left (should examples that can't at all be further added be discounted)? Maybe we should only sort BPs in which all examples can be further added to. (See left-BP1143.) - Aaron David Fairbanks, Nov 12 2021

BP1139 on 2021-11-12 21:12:25 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

This classification is specifically concerned with changes to examples that leave them sortable, as there are almost always ways of adding details to a BP's examples that make them unsortable.

Right-sorted BPs in this Bongard Problem are often Bongard Problems where there is always a way of adding to left-sorted examples to make them right-sorted, but not the other way around, or vice versa.

How should this treat cases in which just a few examples can't be added to at all (like an all-black box)? E.g. BP966. Should this be sorted right (should the one special case of a black box spoil it) or should it be sorted left (should examples that can't at all be further added be discounted)? Maybe we should only sort BPs in which all examples can be further added to. (This is left-BP1143.) - Aaron David Fairbanks, Nov 12 2021

BP1139 on 2021-11-12 21:01:18 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

This classification is specifically concerned with changes to examples that leave them sortable, as there are almost always ways of adding details to a BP's examples that make them unsortable.

Right-sorted BPs in this Bongard Problem are often Bongard Problems where there is always a way of adding to left-sorted examples to make them right-sorted, but not the other way around, or vice versa.

How should this treat cases in which just a few examples can't be added to at all (like an all-black box)? E.g. BP966. Should this be sorted right (should the one special case of a black box spoil it) or should it be sorted left (should examples that can't at all be further added be discounted)? Maybe we should only sort BPs in which all examples can be further added to. - Aaron David Fairbanks, Nov 12 2021

BP1139 on 2021-11-12 21:00:16 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

This classification is specifically concerned with changes to examples that leave them sortable, as there are almost always ways of adding details to a BP's examples that make them unsortable.

Right-sorted BPs in this Bongard Problem are often Bongard Problems where there is always a way of adding to left-sorted examples to make them right-sorted, but not the other way around, or vice versa.

How should this treat cases in which just a few examples can't be added to at all (like an all-black box)? E.g. BP966. Should this be sorted right (should the one special case of a black box spoil it) or should it be sorted right (should examples that can't be further added to at all be discounted)? Maybe we should only sort BPs in which all examples can be further added to. - Aaron David Fairbanks, Nov 12 2021


See BP1139 for Bongard Problems in which no example can be added to, period.

BP1139 on 2021-11-12 20:50:42 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved


BP1139 on 2021-11-12 20:48:10 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Bongard Problems where, given any example, there is a way to add details to it (without erasing) such that it is sorted on the other side vs. BPs where this is not the case.



BP1139 on 2021-11-12 20:46:43 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

This classification is specifically concerned with changes to examples that leave them sortable, as there are almost always ways of adding details to a BP's examples that make them unsortable.

Right-sorted BPs in this Bongard Problem are often Bongard Problems where there is always a way of adding to left-sorted examples to make them right-sorted, but not the other way around, or vice versa.

BP1139 on 2021-11-12 20:32:38 by Leo Crabbe                approved

Right-sorted BPs in this Bongard Problem are often Bongard Problems where there is always a way of adding to left-sorted examples to make them right-sorted, but not the other way around, or vice versa.

BP1139 on 2021-11-12 20:31:51 by Leo Crabbe                approved

Right-sorted BPs in this Bongard Problem can be Bongard Problems where there is always a way of adding to left-sorted examples to make them right-sorted, but not the other way around, or vice versa.

BP1139 on 2021-11-12 19:21:59 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Left-sorted BPs in this Bongard Problem are Bongard Problems where there is always a way of adding to left-sorted examples to make them right-sorted, but not the other way around, or vice versa.

BP1139 on 2021-11-12 16:14:43 by Leo Crabbe                approved




BP1139 on 2021-11-12 15:52:41 by Leo Crabbe                approved

Negative examples include Problems where there is always a way of adding to left-sorted examples to make them right-sorted, but not the other way around, or vice versa.

BP1139 on 2021-11-12 12:37:30 by Leo Crabbe                approved




BP1139 on 2021-11-12 12:20:21 by Leo Crabbe                approved

Bongard Problems where, given any example, there is a way to adding details to it (without erasing) such that it is sorted on the other side vs. BPs where this is not the case.

BP1139 on 2021-11-12 12:20:00 by Leo Crabbe                approved

Bongard Problems where, given any example, there is a way to adding details to it (without erasing) such that it is sorted on the other side vs. other BPs.

BP1139 on 2021-11-12 12:18:44 by Leo Crabbe                approved

Bongard Problems where for any given example, there is a way to adding details to the example (without erasing) such that it switches sides vs not so.


Negative examples can be Problems where there is always a way of adding to left-sorted examples to make them right-sorted, but not the other way around, or vice versa.



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