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BP365 Two independent quantities changing simultaneously vs. a single quantity is changing.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP360 BP361 BP362 BP363 BP364  *  BP366 BP367 BP368 BP369 BP370


traditional, rules, miniworlds

CONCEPT size_increase_decrease (info | search),
tracing_line_or_curve (info | search)


constant_change_seq_increase_right [smaller | same | bigger]


Aaron David Fairbanks

BP373 Intersection (logical conjunction) vs. union (logical disjunction).
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP368 BP369 BP370 BP371 BP372  *  BP374 BP375 BP376 BP377 BP378


abstract, anticomputer, concept, creativeexamples, left-narrow, right-narrow, contributepairs, traditional, miniworlds, dithering

CONCEPT set_intersection (info | search),
set_union (info | search)


Aaron David Fairbanks

BP379 Complete finite collection vs. incomplete finite collection.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Related to BP380 and BP792.


Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP374 BP375 BP376 BP377 BP378  *  BP380 BP381 BP382 BP383 BP384


nice, abstract, traditional, rules, miniworlds

CONCEPT completeness (info | search)


collection_of_objects_same_type [smaller | same | bigger]


Aaron David Fairbanks

BP393 Correct vs. incorrect.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

"True" vs. "false."


Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP388 BP389 BP390 BP391 BP392  *  BP394 BP395 BP396 BP397 BP398


nice, fuzzy, abstract, collective, contributepairs, traditional, rules, miniworlds, dithering

CONCEPT categorization (info | search),
true_false (info | search)


Jago Collins

BP792 Complete finite collections versus incomplete infinite collections.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Related to BP379 and BP380.

EX6572 can ambiguously be taken to be self-referential as the set of left-hand examples (which would make the right hand solution only "incomplete sets") or the class of finite sets.


Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP787 BP788 BP789 BP790 BP791  *  BP793 BP794 BP795 BP796 BP797


nice, abstract, creativeexamples, rules, miniworlds

CONCEPT completeness (info | search),
finite_infinite (info | search)


collection_of_objects_same_type [smaller | same | bigger]


Aaron David Fairbanks

BP841 Any relationship that exists between one object and another exists between each object and some other versus not so.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

For example, in a picture on the left of this Bongard Problem, if object A turned 90 degrees clockwise is object B, then there is also an object C which is B turned 90 degrees clockwise.

Positioning is irrelevant.

In all images, any pair of objects ought to be related in a unique (most intuitive) way. Furthermore, one object is not allowed to be related to two distinct objects by the same relationship. Even for images on the right, each analogy of objects A:B::C:_ should have one clear answer, although that object is perhaps missing.

Relationships described by "[undoable action] applied to ___ is ___" will always form what in mathematics is called a "group". These relationships can be chained one after another to form a total compound relationship (turn 90 degrees clockwise + turn 90 degrees clockwise = turn 180 degrees), and each relationship has an "inverse" relationship that undoes it and vice versa (turn 90 degrees clockwise + turn 90 degrees counterclockwise = do nothing).

(Moreover actions are by nature associative.)

Sometimes the relationships in a picture wouldn't be consistently read the same way by everybody. For example, if there is a picture showing an L shape next to all vertical and horizontal reflections and 90 degree rotations of it, somebody might read

⅃ L

to be the same relationship as



Meanwhile, someone else might think ⅃ L should be called the same relationship as ┗━ ━┛. There is a conflict between "flipping over the vertical line (within the letter 'L')" and "flipping over a vertical line (in the background space)."

Likewise in any illustration of related objects (as in this Bongard Problem) people might interpret [the transformation that sends A to B] as analogous to [the transformation that sends [transformation x applied to A] to [transformation x applied to B] ].

A "commutative" (also called "abelian") group is a group in which there is no difference between the two in each case. Displayed using pictures like the ones in this Bongard Problem, only commutative groups of relationships can be expected to be read consistently by people.





See BP842 and BP840 for versions about particular groups.

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP836 BP837 BP838 BP839 BP840  *  BP842 BP843 BP844 BP845 BP846


nice, rules, miniworlds


zoom in left | zoom in right


Aaron David Fairbanks

BP917 Reversible transformations vs. non-reversible transformations.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

All examples depict a process that transforms one object into another (two example input-output pairs are provided in every panel). In left-sorted examples, each input corresponds to a unique output, whereas in right-sorted examples, different inputs could potentially lead to the same output. There is a sense in which all the processes described on the right "lose" some amount of the input's information.




Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP912 BP913 BP914 BP915 BP916  *  BP918 BP919 BP920 BP921 BP922


nice, abstract, creativeexamples, structure, rules, miniworlds

CONCEPT convey_enough_information (info | search),
function (info | search)


Leo Crabbe

BP951 Process described leaves some inputs invariant vs. no output will resemble its input.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

There are many ambiguities here. The solver is expected to determine what things are "allowed" to be inputs for each process. To avoid confusion examples should not be sorted differently if you consider inputting nothing.

In each example there is at least some overlap between the set of possible inputs and the set of possible outputs for each process. If we did not apply this constraint, an easy example to be sorted right would be a process that turns blue shapes red.

A harder-to-read but more clearly defined version of this Problem could include within each example a mini Bongard Problem sorting left all allowed inputs for the process.




Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP946 BP947 BP948 BP949 BP950  *  BP952 BP953 BP954 BP955 BP956


structure, rules, miniworlds

CONCEPT function (info | search)


Leo Crabbe

BP979 It is possible to deduce the contents of the missing square vs. not so.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

All examples show grids of squares with an image in each square, such that there is some "rule" the images within the grid obey. The "rule" can be about how the images relate to their neighbors, it can involve the position of the images in the grid, and it can involve properties of the grid considered as a whole. One square from somewhere along the edge of the grid is removed.

Intentionally left out of this Problem (shown above sorted ambiguously) are cases in which the rule is not possible to deduce without seeing more squares. Due to this choice to omit those kinds of examples from the right, another acceptable solution to this Problem is "it is possible to deduce the contents of the missing square once the underlying rule is understood vs. not so."


Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP974 BP975 BP976 BP977 BP978  *  BP980 BP981 BP982 BP983 BP984


structure, rules, miniworlds

CONCEPT convey_enough_information (info | search),
choice (info | search)


grid_of_images_with_rule_one_on_edge_missing [smaller | same | bigger]


Aaron David Fairbanks

BP981 Each column is assigned something independently; each row is assigned something independently; there is a rule that generates contents of squares from the row information and column information vs. there is a different kind of rule.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

To clarify the solution with an example: on the left is an image of a grid where the first row features a square with three dots and a square with nine dots, and the second row features a square with four dots and square with sixteen dots. "Three" and "four" are assigned to the rows; "x" and "x squared" are assigned to the columns.

To word the solution with mathematical jargon, "defines a (simply described) map from the Cartesian product of two sets vs. not so." Another equivalent solution is "columns (alternatively, rows) illustrate a consistent set of one-input operations." It is always possible to imagine the columns as inputs and the rows as operations and vice versa.

Left examples are a generalized version of the analogy grids seen in BP361. Any analogy a : b :: c : d shown in a 2x2 grid will fit on the left of this Problem.

All examples show grids of squares with an image in each square, such that there is some "rule" the images within the grid obey. The "rule" might be about how the images must relate to their neighbors, for example.

There is a trivial way in which any example can be interpreted so that it fits on the left side: imagine each row is assigned the list of all the squares in that row and each column is assigned its number, counting from the left. But each grid has a clear rule that is simpler than this.


See BP979 for use of similar structures but with one square removed from the grid. Examples on the left here with any square removed should fit on the left there.

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP976 BP977 BP978 BP979 BP980  *  BP982 BP983 BP984 BP985 BP986


stub, convoluted, teach, structure, rules, grid, miniworlds

CONCEPT analogy (info | search)


grid_of_images_with_rule [smaller | same | bigger]
zoom in left (grid_of_operations)


Aaron David Fairbanks

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