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BP199 Stays put vs. tumbles.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

BP273 has the same solution, except all examples are letters.

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP194 BP195 BP196 BP197 BP198  *  BP200 BP201 BP202 BP203 BP204


nice, handed, updown, rotate, physics, anticomputer, perfect

CONCEPT base (info | search),
downward_upward (info | search),
tumbles_or_stays_put (info | search),
line_absolute_direction (info | search),
absolute_direction (info | search),
imagined_line_or_curve (info | search),
imagined_entity (info | search),
direction (info | search),
gravity (info | search)


Harry E. Foundalis

BP839 Opposite (inverse) transformations have been applied to the same specific small square on opposite sides of the dividing line versus not so.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

The original pre-transformed square is the same across all examples, however it is not shown in most examples; what the pre-transformed square looks like must be deduced by the solver.


Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP834 BP835 BP836 BP837 BP838  *  BP840 BP841 BP842 BP843 BP844


easy, abstract, arbitrary, anticomputer, traditional, rules

CONCEPT square (info | search),
specificity (info | search)


Aaron David Fairbanks

BP896 Filled completely by fluid poured into gap (assuming there is already air) vs. not so.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

For a non-physics-based solution, "there exists a never-vertically-increasing path starting from the opening to each point in the interior vs. not so." - Aaron David Fairbanks, Aug 01 2020


Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP891 BP892 BP893 BP894 BP895  *  BP897 BP898 BP899 BP900 BP901


nice, handed, updown, physics

CONCEPT liquid_flow (info | search),
gravity (info | search)


[smaller | same | bigger]


Zane Fry

BP972 Top half has more black (less white) than bottom half versus vice versa.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

A similar, but different, solution is "center of mass is above the horizontal vs. center of mass is below the horizontal."


See BP971 for the version with examples rotated a quarter-turn.

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP967 BP968 BP969 BP970 BP971  *  BP973 BP974 BP975 BP976 BP977


precise, spectrum, dual, handed, updown, boundingbox, blackwhite, traditional, viceversa, absoluteposition, bordercontent


Aaron David Fairbanks

BP986 Palindromes vs. not palindromes.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

All examples in this Problem are sequences of graphic symbols. In this Problem, a "palindrome" is taken to be an ordered sequence which is the same read left-to-right as it is read right-to-left. A more formal solution to this Problem could be: "Sequences which are invariant under a permutation which swaps first and last entries, second and second last entries, third and third last entries, ... and so on vs. sequences which are not invariant under the aforementioned permutamation."


Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP981 BP982 BP983 BP984 BP985  *  BP987 BP988 BP989 BP990 BP991


nice, precise, allsorted, notso, sequence, traditional

CONCEPT element_wise_symmetry (info | search),
identical (info | search),
sequence (info | search),
same_shape (info | search),
same (info | search),
symmetry (info | search)


Jago Collins

BP1122 Content of any square is an image of the whole panel vs. not so.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Similar to BP818.

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP1117 BP1118 BP1119 BP1120 BP1121  *  BP1123 BP1124 BP1125 BP1126 BP1127


nice, minimal, size, boundingbox, infinitedetail, absoluteposition

CONCEPT fractal (info | search),
recursion (info | search),
self-reference (info | search)


Leo Crabbe

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