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Search: BP199
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BP199 Stays put vs. tumbles.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

BP273 has the same solution, except all examples are letters.

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP194 BP195 BP196 BP197 BP198  *  BP200 BP201 BP202 BP203 BP204


nice, handed, updown, rotate, physics, anticomputer, perfect

CONCEPT base (info | search),
downward_upward (info | search),
tumbles_or_stays_put (info | search),
line_absolute_direction (info | search),
absolute_direction (info | search),
imagined_line_or_curve (info | search),
imagined_entity (info | search),
direction (info | search),
gravity (info | search)


Harry E. Foundalis

BP273 Stays put (both when placed on its top and bottom) vs. tumbles (when placed on its bottom).
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

See BP199 for the original "stays put vs. tumbles".

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP268 BP269 BP270 BP271 BP272  *  BP274 BP275 BP276 BP277 BP278


rotate, physics

CONCEPT base (info | search),
downward_upward (info | search),
tumbles_or_stays_put (info | search),
line_absolute_direction (info | search),
absolute_direction (info | search),
imagined_line_or_curve (info | search),
imagined_entity (info | search),
direction (info | search),
gravity (info | search)


arial_font_centered_connected_symbol [smaller | same | bigger]


Merse E. Gáspár

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