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BP529 Fractal tiles itself with smaller non-rotated (nor reflected) copies of itself vs. fractal requires turning to tile itself.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

No included examples involve reflection.


Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP524 BP525 BP526 BP527 BP528  *  BP530 BP531 BP532 BP533 BP534


perfect, infinitedetail

CONCEPT fractal (info | search),
rotation_required (info | search),
self-reference (info | search),
tiling (info | search)


fractal_self_tile [smaller | same | bigger]


Aaron David Fairbanks

BP531 Fractal is tiled by three smaller copies of itself vs. fractal is tiled by five smaller copies of itself.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

More specifically, all left examples shown in this Problem have Hausdorff dimension log2(3) while all right examples have Hausdorff dimension log3(5).

Left examples can tile themselves by any power of 3 smaller same-sized copies of themselves while right examples can tile themselves by any power of 5 smaller same-sized copies of themselves.

Homage to Bongard's original three versus five Problems.


Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP526 BP527 BP528 BP529 BP530  *  BP532 BP533 BP534 BP535 BP536


perfect, infinitedetail

CONCEPT fractal (info | search),
recursion (info | search),
self-reference (info | search),
tiling (info | search),
three (info | search),
five (info | search)


fractal_self_tile [smaller | same | bigger]


Aaron David Fairbanks

BP1108 Solid chunk of black space in neighborhood of any point of the fractal vs. solid chunk of white space in any neighborhood.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP1103 BP1104 BP1105 BP1106 BP1107  *  BP1109 BP1110 BP1111 BP1112 BP1113


right-null, perfect, infinitedetail, assumesfamiliarity, both, neither

CONCEPT topological_density (info | search),
fractal (info | search),
recursion (info | search),
self-reference (info | search)


fractal [smaller | same | bigger]


Aaron David Fairbanks

BP1120 No same-sized copies of self overlap vs. distinct same-sized copies overlap.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

With mathematical jargon:

No distinct same-sized copies of self overlap on a subset with positive measure in the Hausdorff measure using the Hausdorff dimension.

For a covering of a fractal by finitely many scaled down copies of itself, the condition of that no two have an intersection with positive measure is equivalent to the condition that the Hausdorff dimension coincides with the similarity dimension.

(There is another similar condition in this context called the "open set condition" which implies this but is not equivalent. The open set condition is equivalent to the condition that the Hausdorff measure using the similarity dimension is nonzero.)





Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP1115 BP1116 BP1117 BP1118 BP1119  *  BP1121 BP1122 BP1123 BP1124 BP1125


challenge, perfect, infinitedetail

CONCEPT fractal (info | search),
recursion (info | search),
self-reference (info | search),
overlap (info | search)


[smaller | same | bigger]


Aaron David Fairbanks

BP1241 Any point contained in (arbitrarily) smaller version of self vs. not so.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Note if any point is contained in some smaller version of the whole, then any point is contained in arbitrarily smaller versions of the whole.

It isn't possible to unambiguously communicate in a picture whether or not a few specific points are included in the fractal. The pictures are interpreted as what is intuitively simplest. To make matters less ambiguous, all the fractals here contain all points arbitrarily close to points in them. (They are topologically closed. See also BP1239.)

The left hand side of this is a stronger condition than the left hand side of BP1116.


Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP1236 BP1237 BP1238 BP1239 BP1240  *  BP1242 BP1243 BP1244 BP1245 BP1246


notso, perfect, infinitedetail

CONCEPT fractal (info | search),
recursion (info | search),
self-reference (info | search)


connected_fractal [smaller | same | bigger]


Aaron David Fairbanks

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