(Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Bongard Problems!)
BP531 Fractal is tiled by three smaller copies of itself vs. fractal is tiled by five smaller copies of itself.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

More specifically, all left examples shown in this Problem have Hausdorff dimension log2(3) while all right examples have Hausdorff dimension log3(5).

Left examples can tile themselves by any power of 3 smaller same-sized copies of themselves while right examples can tile themselves by any power of 5 smaller same-sized copies of themselves.

Homage to Bongard's original three versus five Problems.


Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP526 BP527 BP528 BP529 BP530  *  BP532 BP533 BP534 BP535 BP536


perfect, infinitedetail

CONCEPT fractal (info | search),
recursion (info | search),
self-reference (info | search),
tiling (info | search),
three (info | search),
five (info | search)


fractal_self_tile [smaller | same | bigger]


Aaron David Fairbanks

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