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BP927 Image of Bongard Problem whose self-categorization depends on examples in it vs. image of Bongard Problem that will sort any image of a BP in this format with its solution on either its left or right regardless of examples chosen.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

All examples here are in the conventional format, i.e. white background, black vertical dividing line, and examples in boxes on either side.

Border cases are Bongard Problems that always self-categorize one way given their particular visual format (e.g. fixed number of boxes), but self-categorize a different way in another slightly different format.


See BP793 "categorizes self left vs. categorizes self right".

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP922 BP923 BP924 BP925 BP926  *  BP928 BP929 BP930 BP931 BP932


hard, solved, presentationinvariant, visualimagination


boxes_bpimage_sorts_self [smaller | same | bigger]
zoom in left (boxes_bpimage_sorts_self_incarnation_dependent) | zoom in right


Aaron David Fairbanks

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