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BP344 Shape can tile itself vs. shape cannot tile itself.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Left examples are sometimes called "rep-tiles."

The tiles all must be the same size. More specifically, all left examples can tile themselves only using scaled down and rotated versions of themselves with all tiles the same size. Right examples cannot tile themselves using scaled down rotated versions of themselves or even reflected versions of themselves with all tiles the same size.

Without the puzzle piece-like shape EX4120 on the right side the current examples also allow the solution "shape can tile with itself so as to create a parallelogram vs. shape cannot tile with itself so as to create a parallelogram."


See BP532 for a version with fractals.

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP339 BP340 BP341 BP342 BP343  *  BP345 BP346 BP347 BP348 BP349


Go to https://oebp.org/files/yet.png for an illustration of how some left-sorted shapes tile themselves.


hard, nice, precise, notso, unstable, math, hardsort, creativeexamples, proofsrequired, perfect, traditional

CONCEPT recursion (info | search),
self-reference (info | search),
tiling (info | search),
imagined_shape (info | search),
imagined_entity (info | search)


shape [smaller | same | bigger]


Aaron David Fairbanks

BP559 Cross section of a cube vs. not cross section of a cube
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

All examples in this Problem are solid black shapes.

This problem is absurdly hard. It makes a good extreme example. - Aaron David Fairbanks, Nov 23 2020


Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP554 BP555 BP556 BP557 BP558  *  BP560 BP561 BP562 BP563 BP564


hard, nice, precise, allsorted, notso, stretch, challenge, left-narrow, perfect

CONCEPT cube (info | search),
cross_section (info | search)


fill_shape [smaller | same | bigger]


Leo Crabbe

BP564 Discrete points intersecting boundary of convex hull vs. connected segment intersecting boundary of convex hull
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

If a "string" is wound tightly around the shape, does one of its segments lie directly on the shape?

All examples in this Problem are connected line segments or curves.

We are taking lines here to be infinitely thin, so that if the boundary of the convex hull intersects the endpoint of a line exactly it is understood that they meet at 1 point.


Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP559 BP560 BP561 BP562 BP563  *  BP565 BP566 BP567 BP568 BP569


Imagine wrapping a string around the pointed star. This string would take the shape of the boundary of the star's convex hull (a regular pentagon), and would only touch the star at the end of each of its 5 individual tips, therefore the star belongs on the left.


hard, nice, allsorted, solved, perfect


Leo Crabbe

BP912 Imperfectly drawn shapes vs. perfectly drawn shapes.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP907 BP908 BP909 BP910 BP911  *  BP913 BP914 BP915 BP916 BP917


perfect, contributepairs

CONCEPT curve_texture (info | search)


zoom in right (shape_outline)


Leo Crabbe

BP937 Shapes have equal perimeter vs. not so.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP932 BP933 BP934 BP935 BP936  *  BP938 BP939 BP940 BP941 BP942


precise, allsorted, unstable, left-narrow, perfect, unorderedpair

CONCEPT perimeter (info | search)


2_fill_shapes [smaller | same | bigger]


Leo Crabbe

BP949 Two unique distances between points vs. three unique distances between points.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP944 BP945 BP946 BP947 BP948  *  BP950 BP951 BP952 BP953 BP954


nice, precise, allsorted, stretch, perfect, traditional, preciseworld

CONCEPT two (info | search),
three (info | search)


3_or_4_points [smaller | same | bigger]


Leo Crabbe

BP965 If you place the image on top of itself so that it lines up with itself exactly within a small region, it also lines up everywhere else vs. not so.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Rotations are allowed. To avoid confusion about whether reflections are allowed, no examples are included on the right that require reflections to match up with themselves locally but not globally; no examples are included on the left that can match up with themselves locally but not globally using a reflection.

Only parts of ellipses are used, and only one type of ellipse per image, to make everything easier to read and reason about.


See BP1246 for a variation on this idea where instead of lining the image up with itself along arbitrarily small regions, you line the image up with itself along individual separate objects.

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP960 BP961 BP962 BP963 BP964  *  BP966 BP967 BP968 BP969 BP970


hard, precise, distractingworld, perfect


Aaron David Fairbanks

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