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BP95 Vertical hatched lines vs. horizontal hatched lines.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

M. M. Bongard, Pattern Recognition, Spartan Books, 1970, p. 245.


Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP90 BP91 BP92 BP93 BP94  *  BP96 BP97 BP98 BP99 BP100


dual, rotate, finished, traditional, bongard

CONCEPT horizontal (info | search),
texture_area (info | search),
texture (info | search),
vertical (info | search)


Mikhail M. Bongard

BP1145 Polygon that can be achieved by folding a square once vs. other polygons.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Although it is tempting at first to make a version of this Bongard Problem with the solution "Shape can be achieved by folding a square a finite amount of times vs. other shapes", this alternate Bongard Problem would just amount to having the solution "Convex shape with straight edges vs. concave shape or convex shape with at least one curved edge."


Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP1140 BP1141 BP1142 BP1143 BP1144  *  BP1146 BP1147 BP1148 BP1149 BP1150


precise, notso, stretch, left-narrow, finishedexamples, preciseworld

CONCEPT square (info | search)


Leo Crabbe

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