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BP965 If you place the image on top of itself so that it lines up with itself exactly within a small region, it also lines up everywhere else vs. not so.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Rotations are allowed. To avoid confusion about whether reflections are allowed, no examples are included on the right that require reflections to match up with themselves locally but not globally; no examples are included on the left that can match up with themselves locally but not globally using a reflection.

Only parts of ellipses are used, and only one type of ellipse per image, to make everything easier to read and reason about.


See BP1246 for a variation on this idea where instead of lining the image up with itself along arbitrarily small regions, you line the image up with itself along individual separate objects.

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP960 BP961 BP962 BP963 BP964  *  BP966 BP967 BP968 BP969 BP970


hard, precise, distractingworld, perfect


Aaron David Fairbanks

BP1105 Maze object features multiple branching paths vs. one path in maze object.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

This was created as an example of a distractingworld Bongard Problem. Each example shows a distractingly detailed scene, irrelevant to the solution.

Despite this distraction, the keyword noisy does not fit this Bongard Problem because only details relevant to the solution change between examples.


Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP1100 BP1101 BP1102 BP1103 BP1104  *  BP1106 BP1107 BP1108 BP1109 BP1110


easy, nice, arbitrary, example, distractingworld, experimental


Aaron David Fairbanks

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