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BP920 Is exact specific image (EX6205) vs. is not.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

A spot-the-difference exercise.

Arguably invalid (solution not simple).


Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP915 BP916 BP917 BP918 BP919  *  BP921 BP922 BP923 BP924 BP925


less, precise, convoluted, arbitrary, stretch, unstable, left-finite, left-full, perfect, pixelperfect, experimental, funny

CONCEPT imperfection_small (info | search),
specificity (info | search)


bmp [smaller | same | bigger]


Aaron David Fairbanks

BP934 If "distance" is taken to be the sum of horizontal and vertical distances between points, the 3 points are equidistant from each other vs. not so.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

In other words, we take the distance between points (a,b) and (c,d) to be equal to |c-a| + |d-b|, or, in other words, the distance of the shortest path between points that travels along grid lines. In mathematics, this way of measuring distance is called the 'taxicab' or 'Manhattan' metric. The points on the left hand side form equilateral triangles in this metric.

An alternate (albeit more convoluted) solution that someone may arrive at for this Problem is as follows: The triangles formed by the points on the left have some two points diagonal to each other (in the sense of bishops in chess), and considering the corresponding edge as their base, they also have an equal height. However, this was proven to be equivalent to the Manhattan distance answer by Sridhar Ramesh. Here is the proof:

An equilateral triangle amounts to points A, B, and C such that B and C lie on a circle of some radius centered at A, and the chord from B to C is as long as this radius.

A Manhattan circle of radius R is a turned square, ♢, where the Manhattan distance between any two points on opposite sides is 2R, and the Manhattan distance between any two points on adjacent sides is the larger distance from one of those points to the corner connecting those sides. Thus, to get two of these points to have Manhattan distance R, one of them must be a midpoint of one side of the ♢ (thus, bishop-diagonal from its center) and the other can then be any point on an adjacent side of the ♢ making an acute triangle with the aforementioned midpoint and center.


Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP929 BP930 BP931 BP932 BP933  *  BP935 BP936 BP937 BP938 BP939


hard, allsorted, solved, left-finite, right-finite, perfect, pixelperfect, unorderedtriplet, finishedexamples

CONCEPT triangle (info | search)


3_dots_on_square_grid [smaller | same | bigger]


Leo Crabbe

BP959 This image of this Bongard Problem vs. empty image.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

See BP953, BP902.

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP954 BP955 BP956 BP957 BP958  *  BP960 BP961 BP962 BP963 BP964


meta (see left/right), miniproblems, left-finite, right-finite, left-full, right-full, right-null, perfect, infinitedetail, finished, experimental, funny

CONCEPT fractal (info | search),
recursion (info | search),
self-reference (info | search)


zoom in left | zoom in right (blank_image)


Aaron David Fairbanks, Leo Crabbe

BP962 White vs. black.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP957 BP958 BP959 BP960 BP961  *  BP963 BP964 BP965 BP966 BP967


precise, allsorted, minimal, dual, blackwhite, gap, left-finite, right-finite, left-full, right-full, left-null, finished, preciseworld, unstableworld


[smaller | same | bigger]
zoom in left (blank_image) | zoom in right (black_image)


Leo Crabbe

BP1056 Blank image vs. nothing.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Two kinds of "nothing".


See also BP1219, "blank image vs. image of blank square".

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP1051 BP1052 BP1053 BP1054 BP1055  *  BP1057 BP1058 BP1059 BP1060 BP1061


left-finite, right-finite, left-full, right-full, left-null, finished, invalid, experimental, funny, finishedexamples

CONCEPT empty (info | search),
existence (info | search),
zero (info | search)


blank_image [smaller | same | bigger]
zoom in left (blank_image) | zoom in right (nothing)


Aaron David Fairbanks

BP1097 "Fault line" present vs. not
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP1092 BP1093 BP1094 BP1095 BP1096  *  BP1098 BP1099 BP1100 BP1101 BP1102


nice, precise, notso, left-finite, right-finite, preciseworld


Jago Collins

BP1156 Centred vs. not.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP1151 BP1152 BP1153 BP1154 BP1155  *  BP1157 BP1158 BP1159 BP1160 BP1161


precise, minimal, boundingbox, left-finite, left-full, perfect, pixelperfect, finishedexamples, preciseworld, absoluteposition

CONCEPT center (info | search)


Leo Crabbe

BP1219 Blank image (square) vs. image of blank square.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

See also BP1056, "blank image vs. nothing".

BP1 is also a (less specific) solution to this.

BP1209 (flipped) is also a (less specific) solution to this.

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP1214 BP1215 BP1216 BP1217 BP1218  *  BP1220 BP1221 BP1222 BP1223 BP1224


minimal, gap, left-narrow, right-narrow, left-finite, right-finite, left-full, right-full, left-null, funny, unstableworld

CONCEPT empty (info | search),
square (info | search)


Aaron David Fairbanks

BP1220 Square outline vs. anything else.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP1215 BP1216 BP1217 BP1218 BP1219  *  BP1221 BP1222 BP1223 BP1224 BP1225


stub, notso, left-narrow, left-finite, left-full, right-null, stableworld

CONCEPT square (info | search)


Aaron David Fairbanks

BP1223 Center square is black vs. center square is white.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

All examples are a three by three grid of black or white squares.


Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP1218 BP1219 BP1220 BP1221 BP1222  *  BP1224 BP1225 BP1226 BP1227 BP1228


stub, left-finite, right-finite, traditional, preciseworld

CONCEPT outlined_filled (info | search),
center (info | search)


Aaron David Fairbanks

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