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Revision history for BP507

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BP507 on 2023-06-16 15:58:36 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved


BP507 on 2023-01-08 16:51:29 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Bongard Problems sorted left have the keyword "spectrum" on the OEBP.

In a "spectrum" Bongard Problem, there is an evident way to assign each object a value (e.g. "size" or "number of holes"). Then, to determine whether an object fits left or right in the Bongard Problem, its value is compared with a fixed threshold value.

Spectra can be @continuous or @discrete.

A "spectrum" Bongard Problem is usually @arbitrary, since there could be made many different versions of it with different choices of threshold value. However, sometimes a certain choice of threshold is particularly natural. For example, the threshold of 90 degrees in "acute vs. obtuse angles" does not come across as arbitrary. And in BP2, the spectrum of values ("size") is vague, so much that the fuzzy threshold, of about half the size of the bounding box, does not seem arbitrary.

A spectrum Bongard Problem may or may not have the following properties:

1) The values assigned to objects are precise.

2) The threshold value between the two sides is precise.

3) The threshold value is itself sorted on one of the two sides.

Each of the latter two typically only makes sense when the condition before it is true.

If a spectrum Bongard Problem obeys 1) and 2), then it will usually be @precise.

For example:

"Angles less than 90° vs. angles greater than 90°" is "precise".

If a spectrum Bongard Problem obeys 1), 2), and 3), then it will usually be @allsorted.

For example:

"Angles less than or equal to 90° vs. angles greater than 90°" is "allsorted".

Discrete spectra usually satisfy 1) but do not satisfy 2). In a discrete spectrum Bongard Problem, there isn't one unambiguous threshold value. Consider "2 or fewer holes vs. 3 or more holes". (Is the threshold 2? 3? 2.5?)

In an especially extreme kind of spectrum Bongard Problem, one side represents just a single value, just the threshold value. For example, "right angles vs. obtuse angles." In certain cases like this the threshold is an extreme value at the very boundary of the spectrum of possible values. For example, consider "no holes vs. one or more holes." Cases like this might not even be understood as two sides of a spectrum, but rather the absence versus presence of a property. (See the keyword @notso.)

Even more extreme, in some Bongard Problems, each of the sides is a single value on a spectrum. For example, BP6 is "3 sides vs. 4 sides". We have not been labeling Bongard Problems like this with the keyword "spectrum".

After all, any Bongard Problem can be re-interpreted as a spectrum Bongard Problem, where the spectrum ranges from the extreme fitting left to the extreme of fitting right.

BP507 on 2023-01-08 05:17:44 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Bongard Problems sorted left have the keyword "spectrum" on the OEBP.

In a "spectrum" Bongard Problem, there is an evident way to assign each object a value (e.g. "size" or "number of holes"). Then, to determine whether an object fits left or right in the Bongard Problem, its value is compared with a fixed threshold value.

Spectra can be @continuous or @discrete.

A "spectrum" Bongard Problem is usually @arbitrary, since there could be made many different versions of it with different choices of threshold value. However, sometimes a certain choice of threshold is particularly natural. For example, the threshold of 90 degrees in "acute vs. obtuse angles" does not come across as arbitrary. And in BP2, the spectrum of values ("size") is vague, so much that the fuzzy threshold, of about half the size of the bounding box, does not seem arbitrary.

A spectrum Bongard Problem may or may not have the following properties:

1) The values assigned to objects are precise.

2) The threshold value between the two sides is precise.

3) The threshold value is itself sorted on one of the two sides.

Each of the latter two typically only makes sense when the condition before it is true.

If a spectrum Bongard Problem obeys 1) and 2), then it will usually be @exact.

For example:

"Angles less than 90° vs. angles greater than 90°" is "exact".

If a spectrum Bongard Problem obeys 1), 2), and 3), then it will usually be @allsorted.

For example:

"Angles less than or equal to 90° vs. angles greater than 90°" is "allsorted".

Discrete spectra usually satisfy 1) but do not satisfy 2). In a discrete spectrum Bongard Problem, there isn't one unambiguous threshold value. Consider "2 or fewer holes vs. 3 or more holes". (Is the threshold 2? 3? 2.5?)

In an especially extreme kind of spectrum Bongard Problem, one side represents just a single value, just the threshold value. For example, "right angles vs. obtuse angles." In certain cases like this the threshold is an extreme value at the very boundary of the spectrum of possible values. For example, consider "no holes vs. one or more holes." Cases like this might not even be understood as two sides of a spectrum, but rather the absence versus presence of a property. (See the keyword @notso.)

Even more extreme, in some Bongard Problems, each of the sides is a single value on a spectrum. For example, BP6 is "3 sides vs. 4 sides". We have not been labeling Bongard Problems like this with the keyword "spectrum".

After all, any Bongard Problem can be re-interpreted as a spectrum Bongard Problem, where the spectrum ranges from the extreme fitting left to the extreme of fitting right.

BP507 on 2023-01-06 04:15:57 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved


BP507 on 2023-01-05 22:02:37 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved


BP507 on 2022-12-29 22:17:49 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Bongard Problems sorted left have the keyword "spectrum" on the OEBP.

In a "spectrum" Bongard Problem, there is an evident way to assign each object a value (e.g. "size" or "number of holes"). Then, to determine whether an object fits left or right in the Bongard Problem, its value is compared with a fixed threshold value.

Spectra can be continuous or discrete. (See BP1152.)

A "spectrum" Bongard Problem is usually @arbitrary, since there could be made many different versions of it with different choices of threshold value. However, sometimes a certain choice of threshold is particularly natural. For example, the threshold of 90 degrees in "acute vs. obtuse angles" does not come across as arbitrary. And in BP2, the spectrum of values ("size") is vague, so much that the fuzzy threshold, of about half the size of the bounding box, does not seem arbitrary.

A spectrum Bongard Problem may or may not have the following properties:

1) The values assigned to objects are precise.

2) The threshold value between the two sides is precise.

3) The threshold value is itself sorted on one of the two sides.

Each of the latter two typically only makes sense when the condition before it is true.

If a spectrum Bongard Problem obeys 1) and 2), then it will usually be @exact.

For example:

"Angles less than 90° vs. angles greater than 90°" is "exact".

If a spectrum Bongard Problem obeys 1), 2), and 3), then it will usually be @allsorted.

For example:

"Angles less than or equal to 90° vs. angles greater than 90°" is "allsorted".

Discrete spectra usually satisfy 1) but do not satisfy 2). In a discrete spectrum Bongard Problem, there isn't one unambiguous threshold value. Consider "2 or fewer holes vs. 3 or more holes". (Is the threshold 2? 3? 2.5?)

In an especially extreme kind of spectrum Bongard Problem, one side represents just a single value, just the threshold value. For example, "right angles vs. obtuse angles." In certain cases like this the threshold is an extreme value at the very boundary of the spectrum of possible values. For example, consider "no holes vs. one or more holes." Cases like this might not even be understood as two sides of a spectrum, but rather the absence versus presence of a property. (See the keyword @notso.)

Even more extreme, in some Bongard Problems, each of the sides is a single value on a spectrum. For example, BP6 is "3 sides vs. 4 sides". We have not been labeling Bongard Problems like this with the keyword "spectrum".

After all, any Bongard Problem can be re-interpreted as a spectrum Bongard Problem, where the spectrum ranges from the extreme fitting left to the extreme of fitting right.

BP507 on 2022-12-29 22:17:37 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Bongard Problems sorted left have the keyword "spectrum" on the OEBP.

In a "spectrum" Bongard Problem, there is an evident way to assign each object a value (e.g. "size" or "number of holes"). Then, to determine whether an object fits left or right in the Bongard Problem, its value is compared with a fixed threshold value.

Spectra can be continuous or discrete. (See BP1152.)

A "spectrum" Bongard Problem is usually @arbitrary, since there could be made many different versions of it with different choices of threshold value. However, sometimes a certain choice of threshold is particularly natural. For example, the threshold of 90 degrees in "acute vs. obtuse angles" does not come across as arbitrary. And in BP2, the spectrum of values ("size") is vague, so much that the fuzzy threshold, of about half the size of the bounding box, does not seem arbitrary.

A spectrum Bongard Problem may or may not have the following properties:

1) The values assigned to objects are precise.

2) The threshold value between the two sides is precise.

3) The threshold value is itself sorted on one of the two sides.

Each of the latter two typically only makes sense when the condition before it is true.

If a spectrum Bongard Problem obeys 1) and 2), then it will usually be @exact.

For example:

"Angles less than 90° vs. angles greater than 90°" is "exact".

If a spectrum Bongard Problem obeys 1), 2), and 3), then it will usually be @allsorted.

For example:

"Angles less than or equal to 90° vs. angles greater than 90°" is "allsorted".

Discrete spectra usually satisfy 1) but do not satisfy 2). In a discrete spectrum Bongard Problem, there isn't one unambiguous threshold value. Consider "2 or fewer holes vs. 3 or more holes". (Is the threshold 2? 3? 2.5?)

In an especially extreme kind of spectrum Bongard Problem, one side represents just a single value, just the threshold value. For example, "right angles vs. obtuse angles." In certain cases like this the threshold is an extreme value at the very boundary of the spectrum of possible values. For example, consider "no holes vs. one or more holes." Cases like this might not even be understood as two sides of a spectrum, but rather the absence versus presence of a property. (See the keyword "notso" left-BP867.)

Even more extreme, in some Bongard Problems, each of the sides is a single value on a spectrum. For example, BP6 is "3 sides vs. 4 sides". We have not been labeling Bongard Problems like this with the keyword "spectrum".

After all, any Bongard Problem can be re-interpreted as a spectrum Bongard Problem, where the spectrum ranges from the extreme fitting left to the extreme of fitting right.


See BP874 for the version sorting pictures of Bongard Problems (@miniproblems) instead of @links to pages on the OEBP.

BP507 on 2021-12-13 02:30:53 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved


BP507 on 2021-12-13 02:30:48 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved


BP507 on 2021-12-13 02:30:35 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved


BP507 on 2021-12-12 10:58:15 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved


BP507 on 2021-12-12 10:52:12 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved


BP507 on 2021-12-12 10:52:04 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved


BP507 on 2021-12-12 10:49:45 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved


BP507 on 2021-12-08 23:40:20 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved


BP507 on 2021-12-07 22:23:34 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Bongard Problems sorted left have the keyword "spectrum" on the OEBP.

In a "spectrum" Bongard Problem, there is an evident way to assign each object a value (e.g. "size" or "number of holes"). Then, to determine whether an object fits left or right in the Bongard Problem, its value is compared with a fixed threshold value.

Spectra can be continuous or discrete. (See BP1152.)

A "spectrum" Bongard Problem is usually "arbitrary" (left-BP950), since there could be made many different versions of it with different choices of threshold value. However, sometimes a certain choice of threshold is particularly natural. For example, the threshold of 90 degrees in "acute vs. obtuse angles" does not come across as arbitrary. And in BP2, the spectrum of values ("size") is vague, so much that the fuzzy threshold, of about half the size of the bounding box, does not seem arbitrary.

A spectrum Bongard Problem may or may not have the following properties:

1) The values assigned to objects are precise.

2) The threshold value between the two sides is precise.

3) The threshold value is itself sorted on one of the two sides.

Each of the latter two typically only makes sense when the condition before it is true.

If a spectrum Bongard Problem obeys 1) and 2), then it will usually be "exact" (left-BP508).

For example:

"Angles less than 90° vs. angles greater than 90°" is "exact".

If a spectrum Bongard Problem obeys 1), 2), and 3), then it will usually be "allsorted" (left-BP509).

For example:

"Angles less than or equal to 90° vs. angles greater than 90°" is "allsorted".

Discrete spectra usually satisfy 1) but do not satisfy 2). In a discrete spectrum Bongard Problem, there isn't one unambiguous threshold value. Consider "2 or fewer holes vs. 3 or more holes". (Is the threshold 2? 3? 2.5?)

In an especially extreme kind of spectrum Bongard Problem, one side represents just a single value, just the threshold value. For example, "right angles vs. obtuse angles." In certain cases like this the threshold is an extreme value at the very boundary of the spectrum of possible values. For example, consider "no holes vs. one or more holes." Cases like this might not even be understood as two sides of a spectrum, but rather the absence versus presence of a property. (See the keyword "notso" left-BP867.)

Even more extreme, in some Bongard Problems, each of the sides is a single value on a spectrum. For example, BP6 is "3 sides vs. 4 sides". We have not been labeling Bongard Problems like this with the keyword "spectrum".

After all, any Bongard Problem can be re-interpreted as a spectrum Bongard Problem, where the spectrum ranges from the extreme fitting left to the extreme of fitting right.

BP507 on 2021-12-07 22:21:06 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Bongard Problems sorted left have the keyword "spectrum" on the OEBP.

In a "spectrum" Bongard Problem, there is an evident way to assign each object a value (e.g. "size" or "number of holes"). Then, to determine whether an object fits left or right in the Bongard Problem, its value is compared with a fixed threshold value.

Spectra can be continuous or discrete. (See BP1152.)

A "spectrum" Bongard Problem is usually "arbitrary" (left-BP950), since there could be made many different versions of it with different choices of threshold value. However, sometimes a certain choice of threshold is particularly natural. For example, the threshold of 90 degrees in "acute vs. obtuse angles" does not come across as arbitrary. And in BP2, the spectrum of values ("size") is vague, so much that the fuzzy threshold, of about half the size of the bounding box, does not seem arbitrary.

A spectrum Bongard Problem may or may not have the following properties:

1) The values assigned to objects are precise.

2) The threshold value between the two sides is precise.

3) The threshold value is itself sorted on one of the two sides.

Each of the latter two typically only makes sense when the condition before it is true.

If a spectrum Bongard Problem obeys 1) and 2), then it will usually be "exact" (left-BP508).

For example:

"Angles less than 90° vs. angles greater than 90°" is "exact".

If a spectrum Bongard Problem obeys 1), 2), and 3), then it will usually be "allsorted" (left-BP509).

For example:

"Angles less than or equal to 90° vs. angles greater than 90°" is "allsorted".

Discrete spectra usually satisfy 1) but do not satisfy 2). In a discrete spectrum Bongard Problem, there isn't one unambiguous threshold value. Consider "2 or fewer holes vs. 3 or more holes". (Is the threshold 2? 3? 2.5?)

In an especially extreme kind of spectrum Bongard Problem, one side represents just a single value, just the threshold value. For example, "right angles vs. obtuse angles." In such cases, the threshold value may be an extreme value at the very boundary of the spectrum of possible values. For example, consider "no holes vs. one or more holes." This situation might not even be parsed as two sides of a spectrum, but rather the absence versus presence of a property. (See the keyword "notso" left-BP867.)

Even more extreme, in some Bongard Problems, each of the sides is a single value on a spectrum. For example, BP6 is "3 sides vs. 4 sides". We have not been labeling Bongard Problems like this with the keyword "spectrum".

After all, any Bongard Problem can be re-interpreted as a spectrum Bongard Problem, where the spectrum ranges from the extreme fitting left to the extreme of fitting right.

BP507 on 2021-12-07 22:19:55 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Bongard Problems sorted left have the keyword "spectrum" on the OEBP.

In a "spectrum" Bongard Problem, there is an evident way to assign each object a value (e.g. "size" or "number of holes"). Then, to determine whether an object fits left or right in the Bongard Problem, its value is compared with a fixed threshold value.

Spectra can be continuous or discrete. (See BP1152.)

A "spectrum" Bongard Problem is usually "arbitrary" (left-BP950), since there could be made many different versions of it with different choices of threshold value. However, sometimes a certain choice of threshold is particularly natural. For example, the threshold of 90 degrees in "acute vs. obtuse angles" does not come across as arbitrary. And in BP2, the spectrum of values ("size") is vague, so much that the fuzzy threshold, of about half the size of the bounding box, does not seem arbitrary.

A spectrum Bongard Problem may or may not have the following properties:

1) The values assigned to objects are precise.

2) The threshold value between the two sides is precise.

3) The threshold value is itself sorted on one of the two sides.

Each of the latter two typically only makes sense when the condition before it is true.

If a spectrum Bongard Problem obeys 1) and 2), then it will usually be "exact" (left-BP508).

For example:

"Angles less than 90° vs. angles greater than 90°" is "exact".

If a spectrum Bongard Problem obeys 1), 2), and 3), then it will usually be "allsorted" (left-BP509).

For example:

"Angles less than or equal to 90° vs. angles greater than 90°" is "allsorted".

Discrete spectra usually satisfy 1) but do not satisfy 2). In a discrete spectrum Bongard Problem, there isn't one unambiguous threshold value. Consider "2 or fewer holes vs. 3 or more holes". (Is the threshold 2? 3? 2.5?)

In an especially extreme kind of spectrum Bongard Problem, one side represents just a single value, just a threshold value. For example, "right angles vs. obtuse angles." In such cases, the threshold value may be an extreme value at the very boundary of the spectrum of possible values. For example, consider "no holes vs. one or more holes." This situation might not even be parsed as two sides of a spectrum, but rather the absence versus presence of a property. (See the keyword "notso" left-BP867.)

Even more extreme, in some Bongard Problems, each of the sides is a single value on a spectrum. For example, BP6 is "3 sides vs. 4 sides". We have not been labeling Bongard Problems like this with the keyword "spectrum".

After all, any Bongard Problem can be re-interpreted as a spectrum Bongard Problem, where the spectrum ranges from the extreme fitting left to the extreme of fitting right.

BP507 on 2021-12-07 22:19:15 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Bongard Problems sorted left have the keyword "spectrum" on the OEBP.

In a "spectrum" Bongard Problem, there is an evident way to assign each object a value (e.g. "size" or "number of holes"). Then, to determine whether an object fits left or right in the Bongard Problem, its value is compared with a fixed threshold value.

Spectra can be continuous or discrete. (See BP1152.)

A "spectrum" Bongard Problem is usually "arbitrary" (left-BP950), since there could be made many different versions of it with different choices of threshold value. However, sometimes a certain choice of threshold is particularly natural. For example, the threshold of 90 degrees in "acute vs. obtuse angles" does not come across as arbitrary. And in BP2, the spectrum of values ("size") is vague, so much that the fuzzy threshold, of about half the size of the bounding box, does not seem arbitrary.

A spectrum Bongard Problem may or may not have the following properties:

1) The values assigned to objects are precise.

2) The threshold value between the two sides is precise.

3) The threshold value is itself sorted on one of the two sides.

Each of the latter two typically only makes sense when the condition before it is true.

If a spectrum Bongard Problem obeys 1) and 2), then it will usually be "exact" (left-BP508).

For example:

"Angles less than 90° vs. angles greater than 90°" is "exact".

If a spectrum Bongard Problem obeys 1), 2), and 3), then it will usually be "allsorted" (left-BP509).

For example:

"Angles less than or equal to 90° vs. angles greater than 90°" is "allsorted".

Discrete spectra usually satisfy 1) but do not satisfy 2). In a discrete spectrum Bongard Problem, there isn't one unambiguous threshold value. Consider "2 or fewer holes vs. 3 or more holes". (Is the threshold 2? 3? 2.5?) This particular Bongard Problem also happens to be "allsorted".

In an especially extreme kind of spectrum Bongard Problem, one side represents just a single value, just a threshold value. For example, "right angles vs. obtuse angles." In such cases, the threshold value may be an extreme value at the very boundary of the spectrum of possible values. For example, consider "no holes vs. one or more holes." This situation might not even be parsed as two sides of a spectrum, but rather the absence versus presence of a property. (See the keyword "notso" left-BP867.)

Even more extreme, in some Bongard Problems, each of the sides is a single value on a spectrum. For example, BP6 is "3 sides vs. 4 sides". We have not been labeling Bongard Problems like this with the keyword "spectrum".

After all, any Bongard Problem can be re-interpreted as a spectrum Bongard Problem, where the spectrum ranges from the extreme fitting left to the extreme of fitting right.

BP507 on 2021-12-07 22:18:28 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Bongard Problems sorted left have the keyword "spectrum" on the OEBP.

In a "spectrum" Bongard Problem, there is an evident way to assign each object a value (e.g. "size" or "number of holes"). Then, to determine whether an object fits left or right in the Bongard Problem, its value is compared with a fixed threshold value.

Spectra can be continuous or discrete. (See BP1152.)

A "spectrum" Bongard Problem is usually "arbitrary" (left-BP950), since there could be made many different versions of it with different choices of threshold value. However, sometimes a certain choice of threshold is particularly natural. For example, the threshold of 90 degrees in "acute vs. obtuse angles" does not come across as arbitrary. And in BP2, the spectrum of values ("size") is vague, so much that the fuzzy threshold, of about half the size of the bounding box, does not seem arbitrary.

A spectrum Bongard Problem may or may not have the following properties:

1) The values assigned to objects are precise.

2) The threshold value between the two sides is precise.

3) The threshold value is itself sorted on one of the two sides.

Each of the latter two typically only makes sense when the condition before it is true.

If a spectrum Bongard Problem obeys 1) and 2), then it will usually be "exact" (left-BP508).

For example:

"Angles less than 90° vs. angles greater than 90°" is "exact".

If a spectrum Bongard Problem obeys 1), 2), and 3), then it will usually be "allsorted" (left-BP509).

For example:

"Angles less than or equal to 90° vs. angles greater than 90°" is "allsorted".

Discrete spectra usually satisfy 1) but do not satisfy 2). In a discrete spectrum Bongard Problem, there is never one unambiguous threshold value. Consider "2 or fewer holes vs. 3 or more holes". (Is the threshold 2? 3? 2.5?) This particular Bongard Problem also happens to be "allsorted".

In an especially extreme kind of spectrum Bongard Problem, one side represents just a single value, just a threshold value. For example, "right angles vs. obtuse angles." In such cases, the threshold value may be an extreme value at the very boundary of the spectrum of possible values. For example, consider "no holes vs. one or more holes." This situation might not even be parsed as two sides of a spectrum, but rather the absence versus presence of a property. (See the keyword "notso" left-BP867.)

Even more extreme, in some Bongard Problems, each of the sides is a single value on a spectrum. For example, BP6 is "3 sides vs. 4 sides". We have not been labeling Bongard Problems like this with the keyword "spectrum".

After all, any Bongard Problem can be re-interpreted as a spectrum Bongard Problem, where the spectrum ranges from the extreme fitting left to the extreme of fitting right.

BP507 on 2021-12-07 22:15:34 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Bongard Problems sorted left have the keyword "spectrum" on the OEBP.

In a "spectrum" Bongard Problem, there is an evident way to assign each object a value (e.g. "size" or "number of holes"). Then, to determine whether an object fits left or right in the Bongard Problem, its value is compared with a fixed threshold value.

Spectra can be continuous or discrete. (See BP1152.)

A "spectrum" Bongard Problem is usually "arbitrary" (left-BP950), since there could be made many different versions of it with different choices of threshold value. However, sometimes a certain choice of threshold is particularly natural. For example, the threshold of 90 degrees in "acute vs. obtuse angles" does not come across as arbitrary. And in BP2, the spectrum of values ("size") is vague, so much that the fuzzy threshold, of about half the size of the bounding box, does not seem arbitrary.

A spectrum Bongard Problem may or may not have the following properties:

1) The values assigned to objects are precise.

2) The threshold value between the two sides is precise.

3) The threshold value is itself sorted on one of the two sides.

Each of the latter two typically only makes sense when the condition before it is true.

If a spectrum Bongard Problem obeys 1) and 2), then it will be "exact" (left-BP508).

For example:

"Angles less than 90° vs. angles greater than 90°" is "exact".

If a spectrum Bongard Problem obeys 1), 2), and 3), then it will usually be "allsorted" (left-BP509).

For example:

"Angles less than or equal to 90° vs. angles greater than 90°" is "allsorted".

Discrete spectra usually satisfy 1) but do not satisfy 2). In a discrete spectrum Bongard Problem, there is never one unambiguous threshold value. Consider "2 or fewer holes vs. 3 or more holes". (Is the threshold 2? 3? 2.5?) This particular Bongard Problem also happens to be "allsorted".

In an especially extreme kind of spectrum Bongard Problem, one side represents just a single value, just a threshold value. For example, "right angles vs. obtuse angles." In such cases, the threshold value may be an extreme value at the very boundary of the spectrum of possible values. For example, consider "no holes vs. one or more holes." This situation might not even be parsed as two sides of a spectrum, but rather the absence versus presence of a property. (See the keyword "notso" left-BP867.)

Even more extreme, in some Bongard Problems, each of the sides is a single value on a spectrum. For example, BP6 is "3 sides vs. 4 sides". We have not been labeling Bongard Problems like this with the keyword "spectrum".

After all, any Bongard Problem can be re-interpreted as a spectrum Bongard Problem, where the spectrum ranges from the extreme fitting left to the extreme of fitting right.

BP507 on 2021-12-07 22:15:19 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Bongard Problems sorted left have the keyword "spectrum" on the OEBP.

In a "spectrum" Bongard Problem, there is an evident way to assign each object a value (e.g. "size" or "number of holes"). Then, to determine whether an object fits left or right in the Bongard Problem, its value is compared with a fixed threshold value.

Spectra can be continuous or discrete. (See BP1152.)

A "spectrum" Bongard Problem is usually "arbitrary" (left-BP950), since there could be made many different versions of it with different choices of threshold value. However, sometimes a certain choice of threshold is particularly natural. For example, the threshold of 90 degrees in "acute vs. obtuse angles" does not come across as arbitrary. And in BP2, the spectrum of values ("size") is vague, so much that the fuzzy threshold, of about half the size of the box, does not seem arbitrary.

A spectrum Bongard Problem may or may not have the following properties:

1) The values assigned to objects are precise.

2) The threshold value between the two sides is precise.

3) The threshold value is itself sorted on one of the two sides.

Each of the latter two typically only makes sense when the condition before it is true.

If a spectrum Bongard Problem obeys 1) and 2), then it will be "exact" (left-BP508).

For example:

"Angles less than 90° vs. angles greater than 90°" is "exact".

If a spectrum Bongard Problem obeys 1), 2), and 3), then it will usually be "allsorted" (left-BP509).

For example:

"Angles less than or equal to 90° vs. angles greater than 90°" is "allsorted".

Discrete spectra usually satisfy 1) but do not satisfy 2). In a discrete spectrum Bongard Problem, there is never one unambiguous threshold value. Consider "2 or fewer holes vs. 3 or more holes". (Is the threshold 2? 3? 2.5?) This particular Bongard Problem also happens to be "allsorted".

In an especially extreme kind of spectrum Bongard Problem, one side represents just a single value, just a threshold value. For example, "right angles vs. obtuse angles." In such cases, the threshold value may be an extreme value at the very boundary of the spectrum of possible values. For example, consider "no holes vs. one or more holes." This situation might not even be parsed as two sides of a spectrum, but rather the absence versus presence of a property. (See the keyword "notso" left-BP867.)

Even more extreme, in some Bongard Problems, each of the sides is a single value on a spectrum. For example, BP6 is "3 sides vs. 4 sides". We have not been labeling Bongard Problems like this with the keyword "spectrum".

After all, any Bongard Problem can be re-interpreted as a spectrum Bongard Problem, where the spectrum ranges from the extreme fitting left to the extreme of fitting right.

BP507 on 2021-12-07 22:11:32 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Bongard Problems sorted left have the keyword "spectrum" on the OEBP.

In a "spectrum" Bongard Problem, there is an evident way to assign each object a value (e.g. "size" or "number of holes"). Then, to determine whether an object fits left or right in the Bongard Problem, its value is compared with a fixed threshold value.

Spectra can be continuous or discrete. (See BP1152.)

A "spectrum" Bongard Problem is usually "arbitrary" (left-BP950), since there could be made many different versions of it with different choices of threshold value. However, sometimes a certain choice of threshold is particularly natural. For example, the threshold of 90 degrees in "acute vs. obtuse angles" does not come across as arbitrary.

A spectrum Bongard Problem may or may not have the following properties:

1) The values assigned to objects are precise.

2) The threshold value between the two sides is precise.

3) The threshold value is itself sorted on one of the two sides.

Each of the latter two typically only makes sense when the condition before it is true.

If a spectrum Bongard Problem obeys 1) and 2), then it will be "exact" (left-BP508).

For example:

"Angles less than 90° vs. angles greater than 90°" is "exact".

If a spectrum Bongard Problem obeys 1), 2), and 3), then it will usually be "allsorted" (left-BP509).

For example:

"Angles less than or equal to 90° vs. angles greater than 90°" is "allsorted".

Discrete spectra usually satisfy 1) but do not satisfy 2). In a discrete spectrum Bongard Problem, there is never one unambiguous threshold value. Consider "2 or fewer holes vs. 3 or more holes". (Is the threshold 2? 3? 2.5?) This particular Bongard Problem also happens to be "allsorted".

In an especially extreme kind of spectrum Bongard Problem, one side represents just a single value, just a threshold value. For example, "right angles vs. obtuse angles." In such cases, the threshold value may be an extreme value at the very boundary of the spectrum of possible values. For example, consider "no holes vs. one or more holes." This situation might not even be parsed as two sides of a spectrum, but rather the absence versus presence of a property. (See the keyword "notso" left-BP867.)

Even more extreme, in some Bongard Problems, each of the sides is a single value on a spectrum. For example, BP6 is "3 sides vs. 4 sides". We have not been labeling Bongard Problems like this with the keyword "spectrum".

After all, any Bongard Problem can be re-interpreted as a spectrum Bongard Problem, where the spectrum ranges from the extreme fitting left to the extreme of fitting right.

BP507 on 2021-12-07 22:10:45 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Bongard Problems sorted left have the keyword "spectrum" on the OEBP.

In a "spectrum" Bongard Problem, there is an evident way to assign each object a value (e.g. "size" or "number of holes"). Then, to determine whether an object fits left or right in the Bongard Problem, its value is compared with a fixed threshold value. One side is the lesser side and the other is the greater side.

Spectra can be continuous or discrete. (See BP1152.)

A "spectrum" Bongard Problem is usually "arbitrary" (left-BP950), since there could be made many different versions of it with different choices of threshold value. However, sometimes a certain choice of threshold is particularly natural. For example, the threshold of 90 degrees in "acute vs. obtuse angles" does not come across as arbitrary.

A spectrum Bongard Problem may or may not have the following properties:

1) The values assigned to objects are precise.

2) The threshold value between the two sides is precise.

3) The threshold value is itself sorted on one of the two sides.

Each of the latter two typically only makes sense when the condition before it is true.

If a spectrum Bongard Problem obeys 1) and 2), then it will be "exact" (left-BP508).

For example:

"Angles less than 90° vs. angles greater than 90°" is "exact".

If a spectrum Bongard Problem obeys 1), 2), and 3), then it will usually be "allsorted" (left-BP509).

For example:

"Angles less than or equal to 90° vs. angles greater than 90°" is "allsorted".

Discrete spectra usually satisfy 1) but do not satisfy 2). In a discrete spectrum Bongard Problem, there is never one unambiguous threshold value. Consider "2 or fewer holes vs. 3 or more holes". (Is the threshold 2? 3? 2.5?) This particular Bongard Problem also happens to be "allsorted".

In an especially extreme kind of spectrum Bongard Problem, one side represents just a single value, just a threshold value. For example, "right angles vs. obtuse angles." In such cases, the threshold value may be an extreme value at the very boundary of the spectrum of possible values. For example, consider "no holes vs. one or more holes." This situation might not even be parsed as two sides of a spectrum, but rather the absence versus presence of a property. (See the keyword "notso" left-BP867.)

Even more extreme, in some Bongard Problems, each of the sides is a single value on a spectrum. For example, BP6 is "3 sides vs. 4 sides". We have not been labeling Bongard Problems like this with the keyword "spectrum".

After all, any Bongard Problem can be re-interpreted as a spectrum Bongard Problem, where the spectrum ranges from the extreme fitting left to the extreme of fitting right.

BP507 on 2021-12-07 22:09:55 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Bongard Problems sorted left have the keyword "spectrum" on the OEBP.

In a "spectrum" Bongard Problem, there is an evident way to assign each object a value (e.g. "size" or "number of holes"). Then, to determine whether an object fits left or right in the Bongard Problem, its value is compared with a fixed threshold value. One side is lesser and the other is greater.

Spectra can be continuous or discrete. (See BP1152.)

A "spectrum" Bongard Problem is usually "arbitrary" (left-BP950), since there could be made many different versions of it with different choices of threshold value. However, sometimes a certain choice of threshold is particularly natural. For example, the threshold of 90 degrees in "acute vs. obtuse angles" does not come across as arbitrary.

A spectrum Bongard Problem may or may not have the following properties:

1) The values assigned to objects are precise.

2) The threshold value between the two sides is precise.

3) The threshold value is itself sorted on one of the two sides.

Each of the latter two typically only makes sense when the condition before it is true.

If a spectrum Bongard Problem obeys 1) and 2), then it will be "exact" (left-BP508).

For example:

"Angles less than 90° vs. angles greater than 90°" is "exact".

If a spectrum Bongard Problem obeys 1), 2), and 3), then it will usually be "allsorted" (left-BP509).

For example:

"Angles less than or equal to 90° vs. angles greater than 90°" is "allsorted".

Discrete spectra usually satisfy 1) but do not satisfy 2). In a discrete spectrum Bongard Problem, there is never one unambiguous threshold value. Consider "2 or fewer holes vs. 3 or more holes". (Is the threshold 2? 3? 2.5?) This particular Bongard Problem also happens to be "allsorted".

In an especially extreme kind of spectrum Bongard Problem, one side represents just a single value, just a threshold value. For example, "right angles vs. obtuse angles." In such cases, the threshold value may be an extreme value at the very boundary of the spectrum of possible values. For example, consider "no holes vs. one or more holes." This situation might not even be parsed as two sides of a spectrum, but rather the absence versus presence of a property. (See the keyword "notso" left-BP867.)

Even more extreme, in some Bongard Problems, each of the sides is a single value on a spectrum. For example, BP6 is "3 sides vs. 4 sides". We have not been labeling Bongard Problems like this with the keyword "spectrum".

After all, any Bongard Problem can be re-interpreted as a spectrum Bongard Problem, where the spectrum ranges from the extreme fitting left to the extreme of fitting right.

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