Search: +meta:BP506
Displaying 11-20 of 20 results found.
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BP1155 |
| Shapes are sorted according to a simple rule that uniquely determines where everything goes vs. shapes are sorted according to some other rule (or lack thereof). |
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BP1157 |
| The order in which the objects in the top half are combined to make the object in the lower half matters vs. not so. |
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BP1161 |
| Image contains the exact arrangement of pixels that form the "S" creature depicted in EX9532 vs. not so. |
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Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP1156 BP1157 BP1158 BP1159 BP1160  *  BP1162 BP1163 BP1164 BP1165 BP1166
unwordable, notso, arbitrary, handed, leftright, updown, stretch, blackwhite, creativeexamples, right-null, perfect, pixelperfect, help
Leo Crabbe
BP1181 |
| Unordered object-wise comparison Bongard Problems where the number of objects can vary between examples vs. similar Bongard Problems where certain objects are distinguishable in some consistent way across all examples. |
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BP1246 |
| Any symmetry exhibited by some non-empty subset of the objects is also a symmetry of the whole thing vs. not so. |
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BP1247 |
| No straight path from one side of the panel to the other passes through the grey shape without hitting a black region vs. such a path exists. |
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BP1248 |
| No straight path passes from a white region to a grey one, then to white again (without hitting black) vs. such a path exists. |
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BP1250 |
| BPs whose left-sorted examples exhibit the following property: if a square region of any left-sorted example is replaced with any other left-sorted example, the resultant image is also sorted left vs. BPs whose left-sorted examples do not exhibit this property. |
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