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BP964 |
| Bongard Problems such that making repeated small changes can switch an example's sorting vs. Bongard Problems in which the two sides are so different that it is impossible to cross the gap by making successive small changes to examples while staying within the class of examples sorted by the Bongard Problem (there is no middle-ground between the sides; there is no obvious choice of shared ambient context both sides are part of). |
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Right-sorted BPs have the keyword "gap" on the OEBP.
A Bongard Problem with a gap showcases two completely separate classes of objects.
For example, the Bongard Problem "white vs. black" (BP962) has a gap; there is no obvious choice of shared context between the two sides. One could imagine there is a spectrum of grays between them, or that there is a space of partially filled black-and-white images between them, or any number of other ambient contexts.
Bongard Problems about comparing quantities on a spectrum should not usually be considered "gap" BPs. (Discrete spectra perhaps.) A spectrum establishes a shared context, with examples on both sides of the BP landing somewhere on it. (However, if it is reasonable to imagine getting the solution without noticing a spectrum in between, it could be a gap, since the ambient context is unclear.)
Bongard Problems with gaps may seem particularly arbitrary when the two classes of objects are particularly unrelated. |
If a Bongard Problem has a "gap" it is likely precise: it will likely be clear on which side any potential example fits.
"Gap" implies stable. (This technically includes cases in which ALL small changes make certain examples no longer fit in with the Bongard Problem, as is sometimes the case in "gap" BPs. See also BP1144.)
See also preciseworld. "Gap" Bongard Problems would be tagged "preciseworld" when the two classes of objects are each clear; it is then apparent that there is no larger shared context and that no other types of objects besides the two types would be sorted by the Bongard Problem.
See BP1140, which is about any (perhaps large) additions instead of repeated small changes.
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP959 BP960 BP961 BP962 BP963  *  BP965 BP966 BP967 BP968 BP969
unwordable, meta (see left/right), links, keyword, sideless, invariance
Aaron David Fairbanks
BP1142 |
| Bongard Problems where there is no way to turn an example into any other sorted example by adding black OR white (not both) vs. Bongard Problems where some example can be altered in this way and remain sorted. |
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Left-sorted problems have the keyword "finishedexamples" on the OEBP.
The addition does not have to be slight.
Left-sorted Problems usually have a very specific collection of examples, where the only images sorted all show the same type of object.
Any Bongard Problem where all examples are one shape outline will be sorted left, and (almost) any Bongard Problem where all examples are one fill shape will be sorted right. |
See BP1144 for the version about both additions and erasures, and only slight changes are considered.
See BP1167 for a stricter version, the condition that all examples have the same amount of black and white.
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP1137 BP1138 BP1139 BP1140 BP1141  *  BP1143 BP1144 BP1145 BP1146 BP1147
unwordable, notso, meta (see left/right), links, keyword, sideless, problemkiller
Leo Crabbe
BP1181 |
| Unordered object-wise comparison Bongard Problems where the number of objects can vary between examples vs. similar Bongard Problems where certain objects are distinguishable in some consistent way across all examples. |
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