See BP830 for a version with pictures of Bongard Problems (@miniproblems) instead of @links.
Left-sorted Bongard Problems have the the keyword "right-narrow" on the OEBP.
This sorts Bongard Problems based on how BP513 (@left-narrow) would sort them if they were flipped; see that page for a description.
Left-sorted BPs have the the keyword "right-narrow" on the OEBP.
BPs are sorted based on how BP513 ("@eft-narrow) would sort them were they flipped; see that page for a description.
Bongard Problems whose right examples could stand alone vs. the left side is necessary to communicate what the right side is.
Bongard Problems whose right examples alone could communicate their pattern vs. the left side is necessary to communicate what the right side is.
BPs are sorted based on how BP513 ("left-narrow") would sort them were they flipped; see that page for a description.
This sorts BPs based on how BP513 ("left-narrow") would sort them were they flipped; see that page for a description.
This is sorts BPs based on how BP513 ("left-narrow") would sort them were they flipped; see that page for a description.
Bongard Problems whose right examples alone communicate the pattern.
This is sorts BPs based on how BP513 ("+narrow") would sort them were they flipped; see that page for a description.